FBI Listing: Which zodiac sign is the most prone to crime?

FBI Listing: Which zodiac sign is the most prone to crime?

Here’s the list of killer zodiac signs according to FBI statistics. From the coolest killer to the most innocent. We can call it a list of killer, thief signs. But there is no such thing as everyone around you will be a murderer or a thief. The tendency to commit crime is inherent in human nature or depends on environmental conditions. It has nothing to do with the horoscope. Please see this list as an entertainment tool.

1) Cancer
It’s unbelievable, but the zodiac’s crime machine is Cancer. They must have been mood swings, jealousy, and they were prone to murder. Members of Cancer, which are also inclined to violence, are seen as the most dangerous sign in FBI statistics.

2) Scorpio
We give the second prize to the members of Scorpio. They’re psychopaths. Scorpio is the father of the sadistic murders. In fact, according to the FBI, most serial killers belong to this sign.

3) Sagittarius
Third place in the criminal case belongs to Sagittarius. They don’t have much to do with minor offenses; they’re mostly after big crimes and murders. Now let’s count the celebrities from this sign; grasp the subject; Stalin, Pablo Escobar, Ted Bundy, etc. While the psychological problems of serial killers are more or less known, members of this sign also see themselves as leaders.

4) Taurus
Taurus members are generally known for being extremely nervous. When it comes to crime, they are more prone to forgery and murder. They have very reasonable reasons for committing murder, and they are addicted to luxury and money.

5) Aries
Our next sign is Aries as we move towards the danger list. The members of this sign are not that dangerous at all, but they are a little nutty. Whatever’s happening to them is coming from their nerves. If you don’t want them to get involved in a crime, stay away from an angry Aries and wait until the nerve crosses, according to FBI reports, most of the crimes they commit are anger. Still, this didn’t put them at the end of the list.

6) Capricorn
Capricorn is one of the signs on the list that is bumpy due to the crime of killing people. Although the killers in general are serial killers, when we look at serial killers, it is not so much that was born in this month. Yet they are known for being quite dangerous, from us. The files on the list are also very bulky about organized crime.

7) Pisces
Forget everything you know about Pisces because they have a criminal case that makes you forget all your sympathies. Serial killers are also present here. Aileen Wuornos, Killer Clown and Richard Ramirez belong to this sign. Pisces tend to be addicted to substance addictions and are often involved in extraordinary crimes and murders.

8) Libra
Libra members are generally known for being polite, fair and patient, but when it comes to murder we can say that they are a bit more convenient than Leo members. They also tend to be violent.

9) Virgo
Ears can be considered dangerous. However, instead of murder, they are more famous for theft crimes such as fraud and hacking.

10) Leo
When you say Leo, you expect a fluffy file, but you are wrong. You know the cat themselves when it comes to the criminal world.

11) Aquarius
Everyone knows the unshakable ego of Aquarius signs. They also have a strong commitment to justice. According to the FBI, the second most dangerous sign is that they commit crimes for justice, revenge. The fact that crime files are not raised may not mean that they did not commit crimes. Maybe they’re smart, they don’t leave evidence behind. They’re not getting caught, you know?

12) Gemini
Much has been said about them, but Gemini was the least dangerous sign of the world of horoscopes. We see that Gemini can hardly find his hand in blood. Instead of hurting people, they’d rather talk to death.

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