11 subtle signals your career has stalled

11 subtle signals your career has stalled

If any of these work scenarios sounds familiar, meet with your boss and rethink your attitude.

Your career may lose power for several reasons: a lack of opportunities, changes in industry and the plain old boredom are just a few of them.

Wondering if your career has stalled? Here are some of the signs above, according to experts:

  1. Your role and responsibilities have not changed in a few years or more.

  2. You have bounced from one employer to without much change in job title or salary.

  3. You can not remember the last time you learned something new about your industry or field.

  4. People hired after being promoted faster than you.

  5. You are not invited to important meetings or discussions of the kind you used to attend.

  6. You have fewer tasks you used to.

  7. Review the performance contain words such as “consistently meets expectations” or “adequate performance.”

  8. No one at work asking for your help – or anyone in your professional network application advice.

  9. You dread going to work in the morning.

  10. Your manager and colleagues to stop communicating with you – usually your phone rings less and less e-mails you get.

  11. You spend a lot of time complaining about work, where and when you tell stories about work, you’re history “victim”, not his hero. Sound familiar? Do not be afraid – there are many ways to get your career back in the fast lane.

Here are some ideas:

Talk to your boss

A first step is to solve the problems head on. For example, if you were stuck in the same position with the same employer, request a copy of the hierarchy title and job descriptions in your organization, says Debra Vergennes, author of the Resource Guide Job Safety creation. “Working with Human Resources and your boss to know what steps you must take to get from where you are in the next step up,” she said.

Otherwise, tell your boss that you are ready for new challenges and new assignments. If you have been quietly doing your job and keep your head down, it may not make you feel dissatisfied.

Ask what you need

Alan G. Bauer, President Recruiter Bauer Consulting Group, says you can ask your manager for advice on what you need to improve. Also, it says you can ask your HR department what happens with a late raise. “If your merit increases are below ‘to your colleagues, there may be a problem,” he said, “The company budgeted a certain amount for salary increases. – If you do not get you, you need to know why.”

Brad Karsh, founder and president of the firm JobBound career services, said to look for ways to be more effective, efficient and strategic. “Ask your manager about the possibility of a rotation program to see the inner workings of the company and sit back and new ideas,” he said.

Taking the initiative

Karsh also suggested to determine what your boss keeps up the night. “Find a way to solve this problem,” he said. “You must be a key player.”

You can also take courses or work for a degree, suggests Marie Greenwood, author of How to Interview Like a Pro.

Or look on the job. “If you value learning, you can volunteer for a project that will require new skills,” says executive coach Elene Cafasso. “Perhaps you can transfer to another area of ​​the business or to learn what is necessary to save a colleague.”

Rick Dacre Uncomplicating author of Management, suggests active involvement in professional associations. “Get a leadership role to address the group or write an article for the newsletter, for example,” he said.

Adjust your attitude

Negativity is one of the most career killers. “If you spend a lot of your energy to moan and whine about your situation, it’s time to try to make a fresh start before you become so emotionally costly that the organization feels the need to cut,” said Cy Wakeman, author of Reality-Based Leadership.

Identification of your dissatisfaction and take action to solve is the first step. The next step could be to update your resume and start looking for a new job. “He may cling to a working relationship is unhealthy and unproductive is holding you back,” Vergennes said: “I attended a handful of people this year who identified their dissatisfaction and set a date to quit smoking -. Even without a job waiting – and found something just before or after the date of their resignation Sometimes you just have to take this action”

If your career has stalled, perhaps a new career is the right answer. Start exploring the options by reaching out to your professional network, twinning or talk to your HR department about an internal transfer.

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