Why can’t women make the first move?

Why can't women make the first move?

So you’re looking for a boyfriend, but you just can’t seem to find him. You go out all the time and have great conversations with men. But, nothing comes out of them. You’re tired of waiting. Here’s the answer to your prayers: ask him out. Follow these steps and you’ll have a date on your calendar ASAP.

Take The Initiative
These days, women can get away with anything. We aren’t timid little people anymore. We’re strong and confident. If you’re in a social situation and you see a man you find attractive, take the initiative. Some men are too shy to approach a woman. So, instead of waiting for them, take matters into your own hands. Walk over to him and start a conversation.

Comfort is Key
Believe it or not, men aren’t foreign species. When they talk to a woman, they too like to feel comfortable. Tell your cutie that you like his shirt or that he has nice eyes. Compliments go a long way and are good ice breakers. If you make your cutie feel at ease, asking him out will be that much easier.

Flirt, Flirt, Flirt
When you’re flirting, you can never go wrong. Men of all ages appreciate some playful flirting. Be playful and sweet, but don’t come on too strong. If you make it known that you’re interested in him, he’ll know you’re going to ask him out.

Tell Me More
Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Be a good listener and get to know your man. Ask him questions that won’t scare him away. Remember, no one likes to be interviewed.

Go For The Gold
Be confident. Confidence is sexy. Instead of beating around the bush, come right out and say it. Tell your man that you’ve enjoyed talking to him and would love to hang out with him sometime. The worst he can say is no.

So, now that you know how to ask a guy out, go do it. Don’t be afraid. Fear isn’t attractive. Happy Dating!

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