With this five-step test, you can measure your fitness level and enrich your training by learning about the aspects that are open to improvement.
You exercise regularly, but are you wondering how fit you are? You can find out the level of your different abilities such as endurance, speed, flexibility with this five-step test!
1. Dead-Stop Push-ups
Get into a push-up position with your hands on the floor just outside your shoulders, legs extended back. Your head, hips and heels should be in line. Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor. As your chest touches the floor, lift your hands off the ground for a second, then lower them back down and extend your arms to rise to the starting point. End the exercise when your form starts to deteriorate.
Your Fitness Score
>25 reps: excellent
16-25 reps: good
10-15 reps: average
<10 reps: below average
2. Wall and Ball
Stand slightly ahead of a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your back flat against the wall, bend your knees and slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Place a medicine ball between your thighs and squeeze. When you can no longer hold the position, stand up, rest for 2-3 minutes, and then repeat the test two more times. Your score will be the longest you’ve made out of three attempts.
Your Fitness Score
>60 seconds: excellent
45-60 seconds: good
30-45 seconds: average
<30 seconds: below average
3. Speed and Agility Test (T-Test)
Place the three cones (cones C-B-D) next to each other in a straight line, 10 meters apart. Place the fourth cone (cone A) about 20 meters ahead of the middle cone B, at a point that will form a right angle to the other 3 cones, that is, to form a shape similar to the letter T. For this test, you need to ask a friend for help.
When your friend tells you to “Start” and starts the stopwatch, run straight from cone A to cone B and touch it with your right hand. Run laterally to cone C and touch it with your left hand. This time run sideways to reach the D cone and tap with your right hand. Run to cone B again, touch it with your left hand, and run backwards to cone A. As soon as you pass cone A, your friend can stop the stopwatch.
Your Fitness Score
<10.5 seconds: perfect 10.5-11.5 seconds: good 11.5-12.5 seconds: average 12.5 seconds: below average
4. Flexibility Test
For this exercise, you need to ask a friend for help. Lie on your back with your legs straight. Keeping the right leg on the ground, raise the left leg as high as possible without bending the waist or knee. Have your friend hold a straight bar vertically next to your left ankle. You can measure your flexibility score based on where the stick lands on your lower leg.
Your Fitness Score
Hips (90 degrees): perfect
Upper thigh: good
Above knee: average
Below the knee: below average
5. Endurance Test
Hands under your shoulders; Get into a plank position with your head, hips and heels in line. Hold this form for 60 seconds. Then raise your right arm and stay like that for 15 seconds. Repeat this on the left. Next, raise your right leg and stay in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat on the left.
Now raise your right hand and left foot at the same time and hold the position for 15 seconds. Repeat with the other arm and leg. Finally, take a normal plank position for another 30 seconds. Finish the test when your form starts to deteriorate or you lose your balance and lose your position.
Your Fitness Score
3 minutes (continuous): excellent
2-3 minutes: fine
1-2 minutes: average
<1 minute: below average
Hits: 362