Angelina Jolie Interviews & Articles
Angelina's anti-Hollywood attitude to life
She strides into her suite at LA's Four Seasons Hotel, bundled away in a long dark trench coat and jeans. Her hair is tightly - no, make that painfully - pulled back in a bun and her face free of make-up. drawing attention to her bee-stung lips.
The effect is of a woman who is A) dressed from the laundry basket after a hard night on the town; B) failed to pay her gas bill and just been cut off; or C) doesn't give a damn because she knows she has Hollywood at her feet. Guess which Angelina Jolie is... Read More
Angelina Jolie talks about Alexander
Angelina Jolie’s most memorable costar in Alexander was not Colin Farrell, who played the title role, nor Val Kilmer, who played her husband. It was the snake she held in her hands and allowed to slither all over her shoulders. As Olympias, Alexander’s mother, Jolie has a snake in every scene. Read More
Rolling Stone Interview: One Tough Mother
In every life, things change. When Angelina Jolie last appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone, during the release of the first Lara Croft Tomb Raider movie in 2001, she lived in a Los Angeles house -- a dinosaur fountain prominent in its courtyard -- with her new husband, Billy Bob Thornton, and their pet rat Harry.
They talked feverishly of how their wild, eternal love would outlast the forces against it and forever seemed on the verge of having sex with each other even as they spoke to you. Read More
Rolling Stone Interview: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic
Harry -- who is sometimes known as Fat Harry, and who is actually female (though this fact is routinely and systematically ignored by Angelina Jolie because she really wishes Harry was male), and who is partial to pumpkin pie, and who is a rat -- lives a few feet from Jolie and Thornton's bed. Harry, who was a gift from husband to wife, spends his days and nights in a cage on their bedroom floor. Sometimes he is invited out to play. Read More
Reckless Angel: Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie certainly knows how to make a splash. One moment she was on stage at the 1998 Golden Globes ceremony, coolly collecting the Best Actress award for the telefilm Gia; the next moment she'd jumped into the pool outside.
Soggy and smiling, she emerged to mug for paparazzi, her hand-beaded Randolph Duke original gown clinging to her curves. Jolie was merely exacting revenge - as a teenager she's been ejected from the site of that night's event, the Beverly Hills Hotel... Read More
Taking Lives: An Interview with Angelina Jolie
A few box office pitfalls hasn't stopped Oscar winner Angelina Jolie from coming back to the big screen. Since starring as "Lara Croft Tomb Raider", which was financially successful, Angelina Jolie has a couple of misses as of late, notably last year with the sequel to Lara Croft and "Beyond Borders". Read More
Angelina: Jolie's a Fish, a Muse, a One-Eyed Soldier and a Mom
Before the end of the year, audiences will see Angelina Jolie as a one-eyed military commander, a sexy animated fish and a muse for an epic legendary hero. But, when the Oscar winner waltzes in to an interview with her reddish hair, long earrings and dressed in a loose black shirt... Read More

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