Eating kiwi to improve mental health in 4 days

Eating kiwi to improve mental health in 4 days

Eating kiwi to improve mental health in 4 days. One study found that eating kiwis can get you out of a bad mood in just four days. Kiwi has high vitamin C content, which is known to promote long-lasting “peace of mind.”

kiwi and health, kiwi and mental health, peace of mind, vitamin c, vitamin c supplements, kiwi diet, sleep quality, physical activity, vitality and mood, vitamin c intake, British Journal of Nutrition, Ben Fletcher

According to researchers, eating kiwi gives us a faster and longer-lasting boost than vitamin C supplements. A research team from New Zealand’s University of Otago had 155 adults with low vitamin C levels follow the diet for eight weeks.

Participants took a vitamin C supplement or two kiwis on a daily basis, depending on their preference. Then, their vitality, mood, sleep quality and physical activity were measured through questionnaires. Results published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that kiwifruit improved vitality and mood within four days.

According to the research, the effect of kiwi consumption and therefore the increase in vitamin C intake reaches its peak around 14-16 days. Research responsible Dr. “This helps us see that the things we eat can have a relatively immediate impact on how we feel,” Ben Fletcher said of the study. he said.

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