Hertz waves and God’s sound memory

Hertz waves and God's sound memory

Hertz waves and God’s sound memory. In the light of proven and exciting results, it is known that the universe was created from sound. It was divided into pieces by light and sound waves and has survived to this day.

The subject is deep… What were God’s sonic goals, projects and effects on his creations? We will try to address our subject from different angles… And if we want to understand the universe, we have to think in terms of frequency, sound, vibration and interpret what we think. Our body vibrates at different frequencies. So, do these frequencies and sounds affect us?


First, let’s take a look at what ‘Hertz’ is…

Hertz, the unit of sound measurement, is a unit used to describe and measure the frequency of propagation of sound waves in one second. When you open a YouTube page and discover hertz sounds, you will see the following numbers; Such as 1111 hz, 528 hz, 639 hz… So why these differences?

The generally accepted range of sound frequency is between 20 and 20,000 Hz, but the sound frequency range heard by individuals varies from person to person due to the influence of environmental factors. Frequencies below 20 Hz cannot be heard but can be felt if the amplitude of the vibration is large enough. Frequencies above 20,000 Hz can also sometimes be felt by young people. Hearing loss first affects high-frequency sounds. We can feel the sounds in this range with our body machine. But why can’t we feel and hear above and below these limits?

The answer is simple… It is not in our operating system. The ones that exist are not humans but animals… Just like some animals feel earthquakes… Elephants, dogs, etc.

Sounds below 20 hertz are called infrasound, and those above 20,000 are called ultrasound, as we all know. As we see, sound waves are separated within themselves. These types of sound intervals are situations that people have difficulty or even cannot perceive with their 5 senses. Even though we do not hear it with our body machine, these sounds are present in the universe and serve many purposes. What does God want to do here? God definitely has a purpose, but people also realize this, systematize it and sell it.

When we open any Netflix series, the sounds and music style that come from behind, which we cannot notice after a while, hypnotize us and dominate our subconscious due to these speeds. Advertisements and marketing are full of machine-produced music and products that may distort our body-machine perception. And this speed issue can become so dangerous that it can sell products to us with subconscious coding… In other words, speed quality can give the brain intelligence, memory use, peace, calmness or rudeness.

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