Pleasant tips to lose weight in a healthy way

Pleasant tips to lose weight in a healthy way

In the summer, everyone is in a diet rush. Those who want to get rid of the extra pounds that thin clothes cannot hide, try to lose weight with shock diets that make weight loss fast in a short time.

Various reasons, such as the desire to look healthy and fit, force people to diet. However, most of the dieters cannot reach the weight they want, no matter how careful they are.

Pandemic conditions have also increased the obesity rate. Studies show that 6 out of 10 people gain weight during this period and a person gains an average of 6 kilograms.

Reminding that increasing time spent at home, limiting sports activities and unbalanced nutrition trigger weight gain, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Tuba Örnek shared 10 suggestions for healthy weight loss:

1- Stating that everyone’s metabolism is different and a healthy nutrition program should be suitable for the individual, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Tuba Örnek said, “Programs suitable for special situations such as gluten-free diets and ketogenic diets, which we have heard frequently recently, give very good results under the control of a dietitian. Special diets must be applied under the control of a dietitian.

2- Colorful, varied and plentiful vegetables should be consumed. Since summer fruits can be too large, the portion amounts should be paid attention to.

3- They should be fed with fiber. In addition to vegetables and fruits, pulses and foods made with whole grain, shelled and unrefined flour can be consumed.

4- Red meat should be reduced, 2 portions can be consumed per week. Fish consumption should be increased, solid and animal fats should be reduced, and olive oil should be consumed.

5- Consumption of foods with high carbohydrate value such as bread, rice and pasta should be reduced. Milk and dairy products should be limited to 1-2 servings per day.

6- Probiotic and fermented foods should be preferred. Evening meals should be kept light.

7- Drink 2 liters of water a day. Water is very important for reviving metabolism, renewing cells and removing toxins. By adding products such as mint and cinnamon to the water, aroma can be provided for those who do not like to drink water. Water should not be considered a fat-burning elixir.

8- The burning of excess body fat is best done with a healthy and suitable diet and physical activity. It is preferred to lose 0.5- 1.5 kg per week.

9- As a sport, choose the sport you love and can continue. Walking for 45 minutes every day can help with weight loss.

10- The method we call “long hunger” can be tried if it is appropriate to revive the metabolism. For example, from 20:00 in the evening until 12:00 the next day, food can be cut apart from water, tea and coffee.

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