All You Need is Love: The first international satellite broadcast

All You Need is Love: The first international satellite broadcast

All You Need is Love. June 25, 1967 was a milestone for the history of television. An international, color and satellite television broadcast was made with a special broadcast called “Our World” within the body of the BBC. The two-and-a-half-hour broadcast would reach 400 to 700 million people, making it the most watched television broadcast ever.

The Beatles would also be featured in this world-wide broadcast, and this would also be their last TV show. An inclusive, embracing and understandable composition was requested from John Lennon to be played in this special publication.

John Lennon, who is also known for his songs he wrote in a short time, is known to be written in a very short time (Run For Your Life, I Wanna Be Your Man).) and the piece that appeared in a short time was decorated with very clear and understandable philosophical messages; it showed the beauty of the simple and that keeping it simple requires a real genius. This classic got the name All You Need Is Love. Since the French National Anthem started with the notes, it was even prohibited to play in France for a while.

All You Need is Love: The first international satellite broadcast

There was a very friendly atmosphere in the studio. People were sitting, accompanying The Beatles’ universal call, clapping. That day she was sung with a very crowded cast of All You Need Is Love, The Beatles and the group’s friends. Among these names, names such as Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, Keith Moon stood out.

Accompanied by an orchestra of strings and wind blows, John does not play any instruments, only perform the main vocals – as in many songs, he chewed gum again, and when he rested carefully, gum sounds could also be accompanied – George and Paul accompanied him in the back vocals, bass and guitar. John was perhaps on TV for the first time with his famous glasses.

As the song ended and everyone repeats the string “Love is all you need”, John’s voice suddenly heard: “Yesterday…”

John made a reference to perhaps the most well-known work of Paul McCartney, and Paul heard, “Wow!” yell. We thought he was very happy; because when asked about years later, McCartney said, “I’ve always adored John.” He would say.

All You Need is Love: The first international satellite broadcast

Upon this little Yesterday exit, Paul would have wanted to make a gesture to his friend that he began to shout out the reputation of one of the 1963 singles, the famous She Loves You. Because the most memorable part of the song was written by John Lennon, the rest belonged to Paul McCartney.

Let’s come to an end with a moment we listened from Paul McCartney: While the duo was listening to the Revolver recording at home one day, John stopped and said, “I think I love your compositions more than mine.” he says. In the face of this compliment, Paul was able to thank only. And years later, John Lennon adds so long after he left us, McCartney: “I was the happiest person in the world at that moment.”

All about The Beatles.

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