Defeat spring diseases by daily exercise. There is an increase in diseases in the spring, which is called ‘sick season’. Internal Diseases Specialist Dr. Mocan points out the importance of exercise against physical and psychological changes and says “Being physically comfortable affects psychology positively”.
As with all seasonal transitions, we are experiencing an increase in the incidence of many diseases these days from winter to spring. When sudden temperature drops and rises, rain, wind and pollen are mentioned, body resistance decreases. Explaining that physical and mental changes occur in the transition to spring, Internal Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Ziya Mocan, by emphasizing the necessity of benefiting from sun rays and exercising against diseases, listed the diseases and prevention methods as follows:
Top respiratory path diseases
It is possible to protect the person by taking precautions against upper respiratory diseases that cause complaints such as fever, sore throat, cough, sneezing, voice reduction, ear pain and nasal discharge. Among these measures, it is necessary to prioritize foods such as ginger and turmeric. To increase body resistance, onions, garlic and green tea should be consumed.
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, also called ‘hay fever’, means inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to allergic causes. Allergic rhinitis, which can be seen throughout the year when it comes to house dust and mold fungi, is increasing due to pollen flying in the air in spring. It is important to stay away from pollen. Seaside is ideal places.
Allergic Asthma
Asthma is one of the common diseases in our country. Allergic asthma also causes inflammation in the throats. To avoid this, it is necessary to avoid strenuous activities and not to disrupt medications and treatment.
Stomach diseases
Stomach diseases are also common in spring. It is necessary to avoid meat, fatty and spicy foods this period. We need to turn to vegetarian diet. It should consume fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. Avoid meat and fat.
Spring fever
Metabolic changes that occur in the body after the season pass can invite diseases. This situation can affect both daily life and business life. Among the most obvious complaints are constant fatigue, weakness and the desire to sleep constantly. However, sleep time should be 7-8 hours. However, we need to have a quality sleep. Quiet and dark environment, not eating heavily, sleeping 2 hours after eating and drinking plenty of fluids will ensure quality sleep.
On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Mocan pointed out that psychological disorders will increase during this period: “Being physically comfortable affects psychology positively. Therefore, it is beneficial to do any exercise. The simplest exercise is walking. An hour walk should be done. During this period, there is an increase in skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Sun rays are good for these allergic conditions. ”
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