Why should we remember our dreams?

Why should we remember our dreams?

Why we remember some of our dreams and we cannot remember some of them. Aren’t all dreams the same? Do we have a reason to remember some?

According to research, we have 6-7 dreams every night. Our sleep consists of rapid eye movement REM and non-rapid eye movement NREM cycles. Dreams are seen while in REM sleep. It is possible to avoid REM sleep if some medicines, alcohol and similar products are consumed. This may explain why we cannot remember dreams.

What is the sleep cycle?

Each of our sleep cycles, consisting of REM and NREM, lasts 90 minutes and consists of 5 stages. The first REM sleep lasts 90 minutes and each subsequent REM gets deeper. Since the brain is active, the chance of intense dreams increases. NREM consists of four cycles with little or no muscle movement. The first 10 minutes of sleep is the first NREM and it is very easy to wake up.

In the second NREM sleep, our body is prepared for a deep rest; the heartbeat slows, body temperature decreases. In the third and fourth NREM cycles, it is difficult to wake up, our deepest sleep is in these cycles. It is estimated that about half of the babies sleep during REM sleep. In adults, this drops to 20 percent. The reason for this situation is thought to be stress factors and energy.

Why do we forget our dreams?

There may be several reasons why we forget our dreams. Alcohol, medication, stress can affect our dreams. There is a thin veil between our dreams and the real world, it is erased from our dream memory within 6-10 minutes after waking up. This can be explained by the NREM and REM loops not working properly. The dreams we remember are what we see at the end of our sleep cycle.

The dream that we had in the first REM sleep creates layers during the night. What we see towards the end of the last REM sleep becomes the part of the dream we remember. According to some opinions, what we see in our dream is dangerous, if it is frightening, our unconscious protects and prevents us from remembering the dream. On the other hand, it is claimed that the bad dreams we remember are the experience and learning of our brain. If you want to remember your dreams, you can see the benefits of a few small exercises.

A few tips to remember your dreams

Although dreams seem like different formal worlds, symbols can have a meaning in reality. And how much of dreams we can remember, we can also figure out the meaning of the symbols. One of the best methods is to think about your dream. When you wake up, you can think of your dream and details for a few minutes and save them in your mind without being deleted from your memory. Telling or writing your dream to someone can also help you record it. This method will create a habit of remembering your dreams more easily after a while. Sometimes we can remember our dreams later, a reminder event or word can recall the forgotten dream into our memory. Taking notes will be a useful method.

Why are dreams so important?

The experiences we have during sleep and the dreams we see while awake are interconnected, they develop our world of mind. By paying attention to dreams and what we see there, we can explain the way we perceive the truth and increase our potential.

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