Let’s drink fruit juice to be healthier

Let's drink fruit juice to be healthier

In order to increase body resistance against diseases, as recommended by experts, it is necessary to eat healthy and focus on vegetable and fruit consumption. Especially fruits contain phytochemicals that have been proven to be beneficial for health. Phytochemicals also contain phenolic components that show vitamin and antioxidant properties. The fruits we consume during this cycle will return to us as health.

According to nutrition experts, it is not necessary to eat them to benefit from fruits. Fresh juices, which most of us prefer to acidic and carbonated drinks, are as useful as fruits. Some juices protect us against infections, while others strengthen our immune system.

Peach juice
Rich in phenolic compounds and beta carotene, peach juice helps the formation of a defense system against diseases. It activates the epithelial cells that protect the digestive, respiratory, reproductive and visual organs from external microbes.

Cherry juice
It reduces the harmful effects of stress. As it contains high levels of polyphenolic components, it has a potential effect in reducing disease risks such as cancer and heart diseases.

Apricot juice
A glass of apricot juice is 48 percent of the daily vitamin A requirement for the 4-8 age group, 32 percent for the 9-13 age group, 21 percent for men 14 and older, and 14 percent for women 14 and older. It meets 27 of them.

Let's drink fruit juice to be healthier

Orange juice
Orange juice, which contains high amounts of vitamin C, supports your immune system and protects against infections. It helps to absorb iron in plant-based foods and heal injuries and cuts in your body.

Apple juice
A powerful antioxidant source. Studies have shown that apple consumption has a preventive effect on cellular damage; some types of cancer show that it has a potential reducing effect on the risk of disease such as cardiovascular diseases, asthma, type 2 diabetes, obesity.

Grape juice
Rich in potassium, vitamin C, folate, phenolic and flavonoid components. It reduces the level of components that damage cells. It is stated to have a potentially protective and risk-reducing effect against heart health and some types of cancer.

Pomegranate juice
It is a very powerful antioxidant due to calcium, potassium and other components it contains. Accordingly, it can lower the level of bad cholesterol, raise the level of good cholesterol, and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It is effective in lowering blood pressure. Has a protective effect on the liver

Tomato juice
It protects the body against poisonings and infections due to its strong antioxidant properties. Some types of cancer have potential effects that reduce the risk of cataracts and cardiovascular diseases. It is also effective in lowering blood pressure.

Juices of red fruits
Red fruits like currant, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry and elderberry are very rich in A, C, Vitamin E and other ingredients. These fruits and their juices show strong antioxidant activity when they enter the body. With these activities, they show a potential activity that prevents bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart attack and heart rhythm disorder. They can also reduce the risk of intravascular coagulation.

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