Five countries to shape the world culture

Five countries to shape the world culture

The global impact of countries is often measured by military, political or economic forces. But some countries have left their mark with their culture, food, fashion and entertainment worlds.

In a study conducted in the USA (US News & World Report), a list of countries that affected the world the most was made by taking into consideration the factors such as prestige, happiness, modernity, fashion in every sense and an important place in the entertainment world. While most of the top 10 countries are located in Europe, Japan (in terms of modernity and prestige), Brazil (culture of happiness and entertainment) and the USA (with modern and cultural influence) also held the top. Here are the top five countries…

Five countries to shape the world culture - Italy


Famous for its brands such as Valentino, Armani, Versace and Gucci, Italy got full marks in terms of ‘fashion’ and ‘being trendy’. It is known that the Italians pay attention to their appearance. But the attention to detail feature applies not only to fashion, but to many areas from food to furniture. It is recommended to go to Rome to feel the Italian influence in the meal. Dining out is very common here, and it is possible to find both traditional and modern dishes.

Five countries to shape the world culture - France


The cultural impact of France, which scores high in terms of ‘modernity’, ‘prestige’ and ‘following fashion’, is also felt worldwide. For example, Roobens Fils, who lives in Paris and writes about his travels on the blog website Been Around the Globe, says: “Even people from far away enjoy and inspire French cuisine, art and fashion. I am very surprised to meet people. They know Moliere in Iran!”

Although Paris is the best place to experience French culture first hand, Bordeaux, Lyon and Toulouse are also seen as very good and smaller alternative cities. Bordeaux is famous for its good wines. It is also a city with many historical buildings outside Paris. Lyon, the third most populous city in France, is known for its traditional French cuisine and three-star Michelin restaurants.

With its history of over 2000 years, the city of Toulouse in the south is famous for its terracotta architecture. As a nation, the French are proud of their identity and language. Most French do not prefer to speak English or another foreign language in their country, although they know it. “Someone who comes to live in France must adapt there because the French don’t try to fit you,” says Fils.

Five countries to shape the world culture - United States
United States

United States

The USA scored high in the categories of ‘modernity’ and ‘being influential in the entertainment world’. American movies, music, television programs are watched worldwide. The technology sector of the country has entered the lives of billions of people with companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon. This American identity is based on the ‘American Dream’ based on everything possible.

Five countries to shape the world culture - Spain


Spain, once one of the largest empires in the world, has left permanent traces in many regions from South America to Southeast Asia. After Chinese, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. “I find a lot of things from Spanish to religion, from cuisine to festivals, wherever I go,” says Galician Inma Gregorio, who writes travel blogs on A World to Travel.

Spain’s tapas culture, which gives importance to eating, has spread all over the world. Food is also seen as a means of socializing and sharing. Many say that in Spain people are working to live and have a comfortable attitude towards life.

Five countries to shape the world culture - United Kingdom
United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The English language is known for its flexibility and borrowing, as well as the flexibility to borrow from other languages. Many people come from outside and start a new life in this country. However, it should be borne in mind that the British do not always mean what they say.

It is necessary to know the nuances in the language and observe the body language to understand exactly what it is called. There are many people from other countries to work in London, one of the world’s major financial and business centers. With the abundance of museums, theaters and concert halls, it is possible to follow the world of culture very closely and find something to do continuously.

In addition, London is not the only option as a cultural center. Edinburgh is home to the world’s largest arts festival, and Birmingham is on its way to an important place in the cultural world.

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