Good Morning Vietnam: The wrong man in the wrong place at the right time

Good Morning Vietnam: The wrong man in the wrong place at the right time

Year 1965, located in Vietnam / Saigon.

Radio broadcasts are made in the occupied territories to entertain American soldiers and to relieve their daily troubles and longings. Radio broadcasts are conducted in military discipline; away from entertainment where only the works of certain musicians are allowed; they are far from the realities of their geography.

… And now this local radio has just arrived from the Greek post; Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams).

“The wrong place at the right time.”

Cronauer, who broke the audience in his first program and established a throne in the hearts, is not liked by the high-ranking commanders for being too free. But Cronauer is the first radio host to receive a fan letter from the army radio:

Cronauer, a total chatter, starts his show early in the morning with his famous engraved “Good Morning Vietnaaaaam!” He hangs out with friends he knows, his top-ranking commanders, he starts playing the tracks that have not been played until then, makes imitations and becomes indispensable by making all the listeners laugh with the dialogue as follows.

“My life is like a film strip, but I’m bored”
“The food was so painful that even the hairs on my feet burned”

Of course, the film we sit in with the expectation that we will watch more military life and the images of the war misleads us from the first frame. Good morning In Vietnam there is plenty of laughter, subtle jokes and a rebellion against the facts and order that hit you like slapping your face.

Robin Williams – as in many of his films – is also opposed to a different, taboo-topping, critique of lies and acceptance, and an attempt to change beyond. Just like the Dead Poets Society, Patch Adams, Good Will Hunting. There are some roles that stick to some actors / actresses and become identical. Robin Williams reminds us of these similarities, but on the other hand, we constantly question what we have experienced, what we have seen and what has been shown to us.

In the film about military life and way of thinking; The dialogue between the commander-in-chief of Saigon and the major under his command was fantastic.

– Major: I’m running this radio according to military logic, sir!
– Commander: Can you see the contradiction you say?

Unforgettable scenes

The scene where Cronauer sings shrimp on his fingers in the restaurant-bar where the soldiers go to eat / drink in Saigon and change them by changing the lyrics of Kim Wilde’s me keep me hangin on ”song.

While the bombs explode aimlessly and mercilessly in Saigon, the blood of innocent people flutted for no reason, the song that Cronauer stole from Louis Armstrong resonates in your ears: “I think to myself, what a wonderful world!”

In Vietnam, where terrorism increases as the resistance increases, news and facts are given to the soldiers in the region in order to control things.

Over the years, but not much has changed değiş

… Good morning Baghdad!
… Good morning, Kabul!
… Good morning Prizren!
… Good morning Sarajevo!

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