Is it easy to get to know people?

Is it easy to get to know people?

Entering new environments and getting to know new people is actually rediscovering oneself in the first place. Different environments and different personalities allow us to reveal many aspects of ours from time to time. Because every new individual we meet is a new world.

Each one of us at the first meeting, in the first 3-5 minutes we create a prediction about the other. Our initial idea may often be wrong or may vary. But in the first encounter, we say that the ası eye-catching event ”is the first condition. Keeps an eye, warms the heart. The energy felt at the very first moment is highly important for at least the next step of the relationship. It doesn’t matter whether you have a private or friend relationship, employer-employee relationship. All of us in the first acquaintance of the other’s hair, head, eyebrow, from the handshake to sitting in the first attention to the body language, make comments and even try to analyze the personality.

“Eyes don’t lie” is not a cliché to me. One’s eyes tell a lot. Warm, lively looking, smiling eyes sometimes sign that we are on the right track. A sincere, undisguised smile, sincere tone of voice and unique attitudes give us a profile, although not clear. But all this will not be enough for us to really know that person. If it were possible to analyze a human being, to read a human being by looking at a few features like this, everyone would be a human being, wouldn’t he? Human emotions, thoughts and behavior is a whole being. Therefore, it is difficult to define. To go deep into a person, to enter the world of emotion, perhaps requires a special form of communication.

If you feel positive energy to a person for the first time, the situation will continue for a while. However, the opposite is also possible. Life, experiences can make us say eş I never knew imizi our spouse, lover and friend whom we think we know best. Emotions, ideas, points of view can change completely over time. While listening to the sound of our first emotions, it is necessary to give time to say orum I know someone;; pure time will not be enough.

In fact, it is best to share with the person we want to know. Spending time, starting to accumulate experiences … Reactions of a person to events, their favorite, dislikes, expressing the emotion style, tastes, anger are all determinants. While we are making all these discoveries related to the other side, we also review ourselves without realizing it. His reaction to an event may be very different from our reaction. At this point, we consider ourselves. In addition, the fact that we have separate aspects with that person does not indicate that we cannot agree. Because sometimes contradictions lead to ties. We don’t always eat the same fruit on a plate, do we? It is a mixture of different flavors that make up the palate…

In the first phase of recognition, there may be some misunderstandings, debates and resentments. Since we have not yet fully solved it, we inevitably try to derive a meaning from his behavior. We make our own judgment wrong or right.

One of the best ways to know a person is how he reacts when he is forced. Everyone is good when it is good; what is important is that it can stay good when it is bad. Conflict of interests is also the best way to know a person. It is inevitable that if there is an existing mask when common interests come into play, it falls. And of course, the most common method of recognition is to go on a journey with that person. Holidays and travel are places where a person can perhaps hide himself less.

And the situation is clear; we are not guaranteed to know anyone exactly. When trying to get to know someone, it is best not to rely on a good person or a bad person. There are no bad people. There are people who fit you or don’t. In short to get to know; maybe some observation, some time, some common sense, some empathy, some tolerance, some effort and patience, some good intentions and a bit of flow, listening to the inner voice and clinging to the charm at first sight.

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