Here is the vehicle planned to land on the Moon in 2024

Here is the vehicle planned to land on the Moon in 2024

The vehicle, which will land on the Moon surface in 2024, was named Blue Moon by its creators. The spacecraft’s models were introduced at a press conference by Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon.

The unmanned and reusable Blue Moon lunar vehicle is expected to continue to deploy the necessary equipment, satellites and surface vehicles in order to continue scientific research in space.

Design will be introduced in the vehicle called BE-7, 4 thousand 535 kg will be a new engine with thrust.

“It is time to go to the Moon again, and also to stay,” says Bezos.

Bezos, who is also the richest person in the world, told NASA a group of officials and prospective customers at a fairground in Washington, explaining the Moon Origin goals of the space exploration company Blue Origin.

There will be enough fuel to travel from Earth to the Moon in the Blue Moon. According to the project, Blue Moon will be able to deploy four vehicles to move around the Moon surface and place satellites into the Moon’s orbit after moving people and equipment to the Moon surface.

When the vehicle is launched from the world, it will weigh about 15 tons with the fuel and the missile engine. The Blue Moon is intended to land on the South pole, where the Moon has been discovered to have ice floes in its craters.

It is anticipated that hydrogen can be produced by separating the water to be obtained from this ice, which can be converted to the fuel needed for the spacecraft to continue its new tasks in the solar system.

In March, the Trump administration announced that it was aimed to return American astronauts to the Moon by the end of 2024. Bezos said that Blue Origin will be ready for the Moon voyage on the date Trump gave it because they actually started designing the spacecraft three years ago in 2016.

Bezos believes that landing on the Moon is the first step towards a vision of the future in which people can live and work in space. “The price of doing interesting things in space is very high now, because there is no infrastructure,” he says.

To illustrate his vision, Bezos also showed photographs of space-settled designs with people, animals and plants, and self-sufficient living environments, similar to those developed by physicist Gerard O’Neal of Princeton University.

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