Red wine vs white wine, which is healthier?

Red wine vs white wine, which is healthier?

There comes a time in every man and woman’s life where after much contemplating it’s time to make up our minds, will it be red or white wine? Both wines can taste great, so maybe a better question to ask yourself is which is healthier, red or white wine? Of course, wine is a type of alcohol, but wine does possess some good qualities, which may be beneficial to your health in limited quantities.

To judge red and white wines, we will compare them using data from the National Nutrient Database provided by USDA. These numbers, of course, are averages per one glass of wine (5 ounces). Since these are averages, they do not reflect the exact numbers in each wine. However, it gives us a general idea of which wine is, in fact, is healthier.


Red wine contains 125 calories on average, while white wine has only 121 calories. The difference is negligible if you are to have one glass of wine, but hey, over time it may add up.

Winner: White Wine

Red wine vs white wine, which is healthier?


When it comes to carbs, both types of wine contain an equal amount – 3.8g. To give you some perspective, soft drinks can contain 39g of carbs per can.

Winner: Tie

Sugar (Natural)

Sugar can be an important factor in your decision to choose wine. Without knowing which type of wine it is, on average, red wine contains less natural sugar (0.9g) than white wine (1.4g).

Winner: Red Wine


Yes, wine does have some calcium. The same amount of calcium, 1%, is found in both red and white wine.

Winner: Tie


Red wine contains 4% of the recommended daily intake of iron, while white wine is at 2%. However, it’s important to know that wine may actually reduce the absorption of dietary iron. So for those with iron deficiency, you may want to avoid wine with your meals.

Winner: Red Wine

Red wine vs white wine, which is healthier?


When it comes to magnesium, red wine contains about 5% of the recommended daily intake, while white has a close 4%.

Winner: Red Wine


If you want to glow in the dark while drinking, wine contains phosphorus. Unfortunately, we are kidding about the glowing but wine does have phosphorus. Phosphorus helps our kidneys filter out waste and helps our bodies store and use energy wisely. About 85% of it can be found in our bones and teeth. Red wine has about 3.4% RDI of Phosphorus, while white has 2.6%.

Winner: Red Wine


You may get a good chunk of your Potassium from bananas, as one can contain about 12% of your RDI. When it comes to wine, 5% can be found in red wine and 3% in white.

Winner: Red Wine

Red wine vs white wine, which is healthier?

Zeaxanthin & Lutein

Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are both praised by the eye-health communities for their ability to reduce your risk of cataracts (clouding of the eye’s natural lens) and macular degeneration (deterioration of the small central area of the retina that controls the sharpness of your vision), are found in wine. The red wine has 7 mcg, while white wine has close to 0.

Winner: Red Wine


Choline is a macronutrient that is important for normal brain development, muscle movement, healthy metabolism, liver function and more. 8.4 mg can be found in red, and 6.3 mg in white wine.

Winner: Red Wine

Teeth Health (Staining & Damage)

While it’s a common belief that red wine is worse for your teeth, many recent emerging studies show that white wine can be worse for teeth than red. NYU researchers found that white wine can also stain your teeth. So for the purposes of this category and the fact that there are studies that both white and red wine can have negative impacts for your teeth, we are calling it a tie.

Winner: Tie

Decision Time

Winner: Red Wine

Red wine drinkers can rejoice in the fact that red wine proves itself to be more vivacious and healthier than white. Red wine seems to dominate white wine in nearly all the categories listed above, while the rest of the metrics seem the same in both, white and red wine. Some studies have also shown that red wine may be high in resveratrol and cardioprotective polyphenols, which are considered cancer-fighting.

However, of course, it’s important to note that wine contains alcohol. Prolonged over consumption of alcohol is linked to a number of health issues, so enjoy your red wine responsibly, in moderation!

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