Eight painless methods to save money

Eight painless ways to save money

It’s possible to spend a lot less money without making big lifestyle changes.

We all know how to spend less and sacrificing. To eat unless you buy fewer clothes to cut back on vacations, savings through sacrifice can be effective, but painful. So if you are looking for ways to save money, why not start with money saving tips that are relatively painless?

With a little imagination, you’ll find many ways to reduce expenses without making major changes to your lifestyle. To begin, here are eight ways painless to save money.

1. Get healthy: As someone who has struggled to stay healthy, I realize that eating healthily and staying fit is easier said than done. But for those who are in good shape, you can save lots of money on life insurance plans and individual health insurance. As a bonus, you’ll feel better and have more energy.

2. Rethinking Auto Insurance: Each year, a review of your auto insurance policy for potential savings. For example, consider increasing your deductible, which reduces premiums. For older vehicles, to evaluate whether you really need collision coverage, which covers damage to your car when your vehicle hits or is hit by another vehicle or object. And make it a habit to compare quotes car insurance per year, which can be done online in minutes.

3. Improve your credit score: Of all the ways to save money without pain, improve your credit score is probably the most important. From home loans and car loans, credit cards and auto insurance, a good credit score can save you a small fortune. Over a lifetime, the savings can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars.

4. Invest on the bottom: Whether you’re a passive investor who sticking to mutual funds or stock options and selling assets, there are easy ways to save money. For investors in mutual funds, stick with funds that have low cost rates. My rule of thumb is to maintain the expense ratio of the weighted average for all mutual funds under 50 basis points (0.50 per cent). In relation to funds that charge more than 1 percent fee each year, the savings on a life of the investment can be considerable. And for active traders, stick with the discount brokers that charge $ 10 per transaction or less.

5. Think triple play: one of the biggest monthly expenses for some, is the cost of Internet service, cable and telephone. The main suppliers to offer discounts today by combining these three services simultaneously. Called “triple play”, not only will you save money, but you also get the convenience of one bill each month.

6. Go with your prepaid cell phone: Although this option is not for everyone, many can save a small fortune with prepaid cell phones. You can find prepaid cell phone plans that charge only $ 0.10 per minute. And because they are prepaid, you do not engage in long-term contracts. Two of the most popular prepaid mobile phone carriers are Net10 and cricket.

7. Online Shopping: There are several advantages to shopping online, the convenience of being chief among them. But shopping online can save lots of money. Many retailers offer special discounts for online shoppers. And almost all companies selling products or services you offer online coupon codes, discounts or coupons. Especially if you have a large planned purchase, make sure you search the Internet for deals before you buy.

8. Get cash back: If you have good credit, there is a number of credit cards that pay cash back up to 5 percent on purchases. The key is to use the card for monthly bills and expenses every day, not to collect things that you do not need. Put the monthly bills that accept credit cards on the automatic payment, and use the card for everyday purchases such as food and gas. And as an extra precaution against overspending, to pay the bill for credit card in full several times throughout the month. It is easy to do online, and it prevents any surprises at the end of the month.

Related Link: Savings in Made in Atlantis

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