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The Advisability Of Vitamin Supplements
Meanwhile, your doctor may suggest a vitamin supplement to bolster your intake of vitamin C, the B-complex vitamins, or other nutrients. Check with him as to the advisability of such a supplement.
If you will check the comprehensive Food Values table, you will readily see that most of the foods which have not been prohibited-and that's most of them!-contain some carbohydrate. Many of the permitted fruits and vegetables contain a fair amount. Unless you stop eating, in the ordinary course of events you will be taking in a small amount of carbohydrate even with the high carbohydrate items nowhere around. Being allowed a total of 60 grams per day, you begin to juggle and balance.
As you grow adept at the balancing act, you can begin to sneak back into your diet small portions of the outlawed items. Bread, for instance, is the most difficult thing for most weight-watchers to give up. Notice on the preceding list that you ha ve not been asked to give up all bread; only extra bread. What's extra? That depends on you. You don't have to punish yourself. By switching from orange to grapefruit juice, and cutting that down to 2 ounces instead of the usual 4, you can give yourself a breakfast of juice, two scrambled eggs, a slice of buttered toast, and coffee with cream and non-caloric sweetener (the type low in carbohydrate) without taking in more than 18 or so carbohydrate grams, depending on the size of the eggs and the thickness of the bread.

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