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Off To A Well-Filled Start
This sounds like a lot. But you've got your day off to a sound, well-filled start. Your morning is energetic, cheerful, your imagination constructively occupied with the creation of better money-making schemes instead of being bogged down on the subject of food. You can lunch on an average portion of shrimp-oven fried-plus six or seven stalks of asparagus vinaigrette, and add only 17 grams. This leaves you about 25 grams-if you want to be super-cautious, 20 grams-to play about with at dinner. No bread, plenty of meat, low carbohydrate vegetable or salad if you like, and even a small portion of mashed potato (1/4 cup, with butter and milk, will run you only about 6 grams) can be your happy lot, and if you finish off with a nice bit of cheese you might even-depending on the size of your portions of other food-allow yourself a saltine for it to sit upon. Your unsugared or artificially sweetened tea or coffee hardly counts.
Starvation? Deprivation? Not by any standard. And as you can see, the juggling possibilities are limited only by your personal tastes. Give up the breakfast juice, confine yourself to one egg, leave the French dressing off your asparagus at lunchtime, and have an extra slice of bread if bread you must have. The beauty of this diet is that, while you must still juggle, at least you've got something to juggle.
As you begin to reinstate carbohydrate-significant foods to your diet, bear in mind the word portions. The comprehensive Food Values tables are calculated upon so-called 'average' portions. As you are allowed to eat more than enough to satisfy you of filling, high protein foods and fats, it involves small sacrifice to keep portions of other foods down to a bit less than average until you have determined at what rate your personal body chemistry can cope with carbohydrates and still keep off excess weight on a long-term, satisfactory basis.

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