transformers production notes
Rachael Taylor is Maggie Madsen

At 22, Taylor is relatively new to Hollywood having recently emigrated from her native Tasmania via Australia.

“Transformers” is her first American film and the first she had ever heard of the Transformers toy franchise. After accepting the job, there was some debate as to her character's nationality - should she be American? Australian? British? The filmmakers finally opted for her native accent.

“Michael Bay was pretty adamant that she be an Aussie,” Taylor says,” and that was fine with me because it gives my character a point of view that's authentic. But the film has such a global feel, it's not exclusively an American or western film.”

Taylor likens her character's circumstance at work with her own on the film. “Maggie can't keep her mouth shut to save her life,” she says. “She tells the Secretary of Defense exactly what she thinks and then immediately regrets it afterwards. It's not that she doesn't speak the truth she just needs to pick her moments with more care.

“She's a woman trying to succeed in a man's world,” Taylor continues, “which parallels my experience shooting `Transformers' because it's only Megan and me in a world dominated by men, all working for Michael Bay.

“Maggie trusts her instincts even if she doesn't always have the evidence to support what she feels,” explains Taylor. “That's the exuberance of youth and being excited by her job.”

Working as a consultant for the United States government, Maggie and her team are some of the best and brightest data analysts. Secretary of Defense Keller calls upon her group and others to help unmask the unidentified menace attacking the world. When Maggie realizes that the mainframe has been hacked, she calls the only person smarter than she is: her buddy, Glen.

The two actors first met at a rehearsal with renowned acting coach Larry Moss. “After two minutes Anthony had me in hysterics,” Taylor says.  “Even Larry, who's kind of serious, was in stitches. But more important, Anthony is such a good person. The first time I met him he said, `Baby, I'm not going to let you fall,' which is an incredible sentiment for one actor to say to another. If we succeed, we're going to succeed together; we're going to have a good time and make this work. Anthony really took care of me.”

Glen and Maggie are an odd couple, to be sure. “But that's what makes the match work so well,” says Anderson. “Opposites attract.”

Anderson says one of the reasons he and Taylor got along so well is that he spent several months in Australia shooting `Kangaroo Jack.' “I'm familiar with the culture of Australia and that area of the Pacific,” he says. “America is similar, but there are still subtle differences and I understand where she comes from.”

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