
Hulk MovieHulk Movie

Taglines: Unleash the hero within.

A top secret military project hires prestigous university students to assist create a cell altering machine called the ‘gammasphere’. Lead of the group is arrogant Bruce Banner, mainly complimented by compassionate Betty Ross.

When the gammasphere goes wrong, Bruce Banner is afflicted with the ability to turn into a mammoth creature soon dubbed ‘The Hulk’, a manifestation of his own inner demons that he mutates into when it is emotionally triggered. A ruined, Jeckal and Hyde man he may be, but a ruined man may prove to be a heroic one when a villain emerges, and close…

I don’t know who I am. I don’t know what I’m becoming. But I know one thing for sure – you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. – Bruce Banner, scientist. What if you always had someone around to look out for you? To defend you when challenged by a bully, threatened by an enraged driver, assaulted by a knife-wielding mugger?

That at those moments of stress and escalating violence, someone appears — an ever-present avenger, fueled by righteous anger and possessing unequalled strength — and vanquishes the antagonist, rights the wrong, settles the score. Without remorse. Without consequence. Without memory. And what if that someone … was you? After more than four decades of continuing popularity, one of Marvel Comics’ most enduring and compelling comic book creations comes to the big screen, continuing Marvel’s superlative track record of bringing its classic characters to motion picture life: Blade, X-Men, Spider-Man, Daredevil. And now, this summer, The Hulk arrives.

Read the Full Production Notes


Directed by: Ang Lee
Starring: Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Nick Nolte, Josh Lucas, Brooke Langton, Sasha Barrese
Screenplay by: Michael France, David Hayter, James Schamus
Cinematography by: Frederick Elmes
Production Design by: Rick Heinrichs
Art Direction by: John Dexter
Film Editing by: Tim Squyres
Costume Design by: Marit Allen
Music by: Danny Elfman
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, disturbing images, partial nudity.
Studio: Universal Pictures
Release Date: June 20, 2003