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Terrence Howard as Lt. Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes

With Downey busy preparing for his starring turn in the film, the filmmakers focused their attention on casting the film's other central roles.

In the film, as the leading manufacturer of weapons, Stark Industries has enjoyed a long and prosperous relationship with the United States Government and the Air Force's leading military advisor, Lt. Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes.  Following a successful military weapons demonstration in the Middle East, Rhodey and Tony Stark's convoy is attacked by a group of insurgents. During the intense battle, Tony is wounded by shrapnel and captured. Although the Department of Defense gives up its effort to find him after a few months, Rhodey refuses to stop searching for his lifelong friend and confidant.

 In “Iron Man,” Rhodey is played by Terrence Howard. An Academy Award nominee for his role in “Hustle and Flow,” Howard jumped at the opportunity to perform opposite Downey. “Getting the chance to work with Robert Downey Jr. attracted me to the role more than anything else,” reveals Howard. “I first saw him in `Weird Science' and thought he was hilarious, and then when he did `Chaplin' I realized he was a genius.”

For Downey, the feeling was entirely mutual. “First of all, Terrence Howard looks great in an Air Force uniform,” laughs Downey. “Terrence is a top-drawer actor and it's no mistake that he has become such a sensation over the last few years. One of the definitions of a genius is someone with a lot of character and we really needed a strong spirit to play Rhodey. Tony Stark is such a dynamic character that if Rhodey was merely his sidekick it wouldn't work.  Rhodey had to be his equal.”

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Iron Man
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