Scenes from a Marriage (1973)

Scenes from a Marriage (1973)

Taglines: The dissecting of a marriage.

Scenes from a Marriage movie storyline. A woman and a man… The point reached at the end of a ten-year marriage. Witnessing the moments of crisis in a married couple’s seven-year life Ian. As Marianne stated at the beginning of the film, perhaps the lack of a problem is the most serious problem and the art of compassion and understanding of the problems of others not acquired in childhood may be the biggest obstacle in the relationship between men and women.

In this case, marriage may become the art of sweeping problems under the carpet. Do men and women understand each other’s language? While Marianne and Johan first laid the ideal couple’s relationship on the operating table, Ingmar Bergman focuses on the differences of the male and female spirit while drawing the anatomy of a marriage.

Even if there is a passionate love between them, are the lifelong relationships of men and women impossible? Bergman observes the relationship as externally as possible from a hidden camera placed inside the house. Both men and women are as sensitive and sympathetic as millions of married people can identify. They both suffer and think that their lives are wasted; they cannot be together, nor can they give up each other altogether.

Bergman made a six-hour series of Scenes from a Marriage with a 16-mm camera for television, making it a three-hour feature film on the great interest in Sweden. A universal marriage scene in the middle of the night in a dark house colored by the extraordinary acting of Liv Ullman and Erland Josephson… The story of a dark journey to the souls of women and men… Bergman’s most realistic film is that he does not deal with transnational questions. The moment when Bergman, the master of dreams, does not show dreams, the moment he tells Marianne’s nightmare of awakening in horror is the most impressive scene of the film.

Scenes from a Marriage (Swedish: Scener ur ett äktenskap) is a 1973 Swedish Television miniseries written and directed by Ingmar Bergman and starring Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson. The story explores the disintegration of the marriage between Marianne, a family lawyer specializing in divorce, and Johan, spanning a period of 10 years. Bergman’s teleplay draws on his own experiences, including his relationship with Ullmann. It was shot on a small budget in Stockholm and Fårö in 1972.

Scenes from a Marriage Movie Poster (1973)

Scenes from a Marriage (1973)

Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Starring: Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson, Gunnel Lindblom, Bibi Andersson, Wenche Foss, Jan Malmsjö, Bertil Norström, Anita Wall, Rossana Mariano, Lena Bergman, Ingmar Bergman
Screenplay by: Ingmar Bergman
Production Design by: Björn Thulin
Cinematography by: Sven Nykvist
Film Editing by: Siv Lundgren
Makeup Department: Cecilia Drott
Art Direction by: Gunilla Hagberg
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Cinema 5 Distributing
Release Date: April 11, 1973 (Denmark)

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