All about post-exercise nutrition.
Post-exercise nutrition iz vedl vedl ikhodüarüb We should not evaluate the time we do sports as only movement or activity, because at the same time, we initiate many hormonal reactions of the body with the butterfly effect. At this point, post-exercise nutrition is as important as the sport itself. So what is the rule?
A person who does sports must follow the 3W 1K rule. 3N 1K: When? For what? What will he eat? Personal plan! Before reading the article, I should remind you that although I have stated when, for what purpose and what we should eat in this article, let’s not forget that the nutrition plan is a personal plan, for example, in case of any disease, it is necessary to work with a specialist.
Timing and content of post-exercise nutrition; By ensuring the planned use of nutrients from food, it should contribute more to the repair of tissues and replenishment of stores after high-intensity exercise, increase protein synthesis and improve mood. So how should we do this? Let’s divide the post-exercise nutrition into the first 30-40 minutes after the exercise and 2-3 hours after the exercise.
Muscle breakdown occurs during exercise. For this reason, we need to pay attention to the right food and the right amount of consumption in order to prevent the ongoing muscle destruction when our sports are finished. Replenishment of our muscle glycogen stores will increase the quality of both the current sport and the next sport we will do.
For this reason, we need to intervene in the first 30-40 minutes, but we do not need to consume large amounts of food. For example, 1 glass of milk and a snack such as a banana should be preferred. Attention! The carbohydrate content should be higher than the protein content and it is sufficient to contain about 100 kcal. At the same time, let’s not forget to drink plenty of water to replace the water lost through sweating.
2-3 hours after exercise, we should now have a hearty main meal. While consumption of essential amino acids increases muscle protein synthesis; Consumption with carbohydrates accelerates muscle protein synthesis. For example, after strength training, the combined consumption of carbohydrates and protein has a positive effect on body composition as it increases strength and lean tissue formation.
For example, you can choose pasta with chicken or meat, or a breakfast with cheese, eggs and whole-grain bread if you do sports early, or oatmeal with fruit and nuts on the side. You don’t have to be afraid of the healthy fat groups, because healthy fats like hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, avocados promote muscle growth. But frying oil consumption is definitely not recommended.
Author: Dietitian Ecem Naz Genç
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