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Eminem - 8 Mile Production Notes
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Chapter 3: To Grow Up As a Rapper Gives You Credibility

While the characters and plot of 8 Mile are fictional, the world of Jimmy Smith Jr. is one that Eminem knows well: "8 Mile separates the city from the suburbs. To grow up as a rapper, to grow up on the Detroit side as opposed to the suburban side gives you credibility. It's a big deal. And if you don't listen to hip hop, you just don't care, it's not a big deal to you. But if you're in it, let me tell you, it very much is."

Eminem's motion picture acting debut began with a six-week rehearsal schedule. "Curtis had a pretty unique rehearsal process," said Eminem. "I wouldn't say 'unique'. .. I'd say 'grueling. ' We rehearsed for over a month straight, of just doing the lines and trying different ways to do them. It gave all of us a chance to get to know each other … I don't want to sound corny, but Curtis is great at what he does. He's one of those directors who, when you think you know how a scene should play, there's always a way that he will come up with that is different than what you thought, and better."

Hanson has nothing but praise for the rapper's acting debut: "Marshall gave me all a director could ask for from an actor - enormous talent, focus, dedication and a total commitment to the story we were trying to tell. He came at the job with humility, respect and tremendous self-discipline. No matter how difficult the circumstances, he was always determined to do his best and to find the truth in every moment."

In his quest to find the perfect actress to portray Jimmy's mother, Stephanie, Hanson turned to Kim Basinger, who won an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance in Hanson's L. A. Confidential. Basinger readily accepted the invitation. "It was a second gift to me to be able to work with Curtis again," said Basinger. "It is the most sincere collaboration I have ever experienced. I cannot think of anyone more talented or worth one's trust than Curtis Hanson, especially being the insecure artists that we are, always in search of someone to believe that we can do it with the right guidance. He's so supportive - a humble, beautiful person with the excitement of a kid, a great friend and a little bit of a mystery - a wonderful combination. I am thankful I know him."

Hanson also reached out to a number of vital young performers, who were all more than willing to reach back. "I went in and met with Curtis a few times," remembered Brittany Murphy, who received critical praise for her performance opposite Michael Douglas in the suspense thriller Don't Say a Word and co-starred with Drew Barrymore in Riding in Cars with Boys. "He was absolutely lovely. I loved the story . .. I thought it was representing a piece of our nation that hasn't really been shown on film yet, and a great story about a young man with a massive amount of energy trying to figure out what the outlet is for him to better himself. I think that any performer would understand this need. There's a way to use all that energy as opposed to letting it eat you alive, and that's Jimmy Smith's struggle in the story.
"Curtis had a really interesting way of going about rehearsals, and I loved what he did,"

Murphy continued. "In a way, I see him as a grand puppet master . .. he's a very mysterious man. There was a beautiful sense of everyone getting to know each other. Everyone truly became friends and got to know everyone's tics. To be the only girl with all those silly guys was fun and crazy. I would stay in after I had finished rehearsing my scenes and watch their rehearsals, because it was just too much fun."

8 Mile Movie
8 Mile Movie Production Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

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