Have we really been to the Moon, or have we been deceived?

Have we really been to the Moon, or have we been deceived?

It has been 53 years since that first step, one small step for Neil Armstrong and one big step for humanity. What happened before the trip to the Moon, which is the springboard in the space adventure of mankind? Who proved that the moon has actually been visited, and when? Why couldn’t we be without the moon? Why weren’t humans sent to the Moon after 1972?

Have we really been to the Moon, or have we been deceived? Read More
Fitting the entire universe in a single picture frame

Fitting the entire universe in a single picture frame

First, let’s imagine a vast space with huge, gigantic galaxies. Next, let’s imagine a quantum kingdom dominated by very, very small particles. The laws to which each is subject are different; a microstructure dominated by the laws of relativity in the first and strange laws in the other. We also have our classical reality defined by Newton’s laws.

Fitting the entire universe in a single picture frame Read More
NASA seems pretty sure where to find Martian life

NASA seems pretty sure where to find Martian life

NASA scientists are now pretty sure of where to find Martian life. The Mars rover Perseverance was launched from Florida on July 30, 2020. The vehicle, the size of a large family car, landed in Jezero Crater on February 18. Researchers estimate that 3.5 billion years ago the crater contained a deep lake in conditions that could have supported extraterrestrial life.

NASA seems pretty sure where to find Martian life Read More