You're going to settle in a coastal town?

You’re going to settle in a coastal town?

Everyone’s dream is now common to settle in the coastal town or a village. Intense work tempo, stress, crowds, air pollution, longing for a turf or clean sea, especially affecting the metropolitan people, are some of the factors that trigger this desire. If you’re overwhelmed with city life, you can be inspired by our advice on settling into a charming seaside town. Keep your hands alone, because even our charming coastal towns are already crowded!

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The world's first Forest City becomes a reality in China

The world’s first Forest City becomes a reality in China

The first Forest City called Liuzhou Forest City designed by the Italian Stefano Boeri Architetti to combat air pollution in China, which is completely covered with trees and plants, becomes a reality. The “green city, where offices, homes, hotels, hospitals and schools are completely lined with plants and trees, will house 30,000 people, absorb about 10,000 tons of CO2 and 57 tons of pollutants annually and produce about 900 tons of oxygen.

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6 Great movies reflects 80s fashion best

6 Great movies reflects 80s fashion best

From Michelle Pfeiffer’s Elvira to Madonna’s Susan, Jennifer Beals’ Alex to Winona Ryder’s Veronica, we’re here to show you the style icons of 80’s best-selling movies. In fact, all films reflect the fashion of that year. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish between hundreds of films. Nevertheless, we tried to choose the films that best reflect the fashion of the period. We’ve limited the number of films to 6, but you can find much more by imagining the 80s movies.

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The secret of happiness may be traveling

The secret of happiness may be traveling

According to a study at Cornell University, the happiness gained when money is spent on experiences is longer than the happiness gained when spending on material objects. This is because people can adapt to physical objects. So the happiness of the things you buy decreases as time goes by and you get used to them being around you. Usually one-off experiences make them happy as they are remembered.

The secret of happiness may be traveling Read More