Avril Lavigne Trivia
How old is Avril?
Avril Lavigne is an amazingly talented 25 year old!
Which country is Avril from?
Avril is from Ontario, Canada.
Is Avril French or have French roots? Her name sure sounds French.
Yes, her name is French. Cool to see that news aboot Avril is spreading worldwide!
Does Avril still live in her town in Ontario or have any relatives there?
To protect Avril's privacy, we will not be answering questions about her individual life.
How exactly do you pronounce Avril's last name?
Lavigne is pronounced lah-VEEN
Where does Avril live now?
While we will not disclose individual information, we can say that on her travels across the US, Avril stays in different hotels.
Can we somehow get her personal email?
We will not disclose her email. Sorry.
If we can't write her mail directly, is there an email for folks to give her messages? Like a official site or something?
We are working on getting an web site address set up so people can write to Avril directly. We will let you know as soon as it is finished!
Will Avril Lavigne be appearing on TRL anytime soon?
Please check the "Tour Dates" section of this website for all Avril performances.