9 sentences to drive couples away from each other

9 sentences to drive couples away from each other

9 sentences to drive couples away from each other. While emotional bonds deepen over time in couples in long-term relationships, sometimes they may break. Here are 9 sentences that you should not say to your partner, which can negatively affect your relationship…

emotional bonds, unhappy couples, relationships, past traumas, feeling lonely, dating and romance, talking to partner, constructive relationships, feeling judged, destructive relationships, getting defensive

Couples who decide to love each other from the beginning of the relationship and try to get to know each other can sometimes trigger each other’s past traumas. Here are the sentences that pave the way for this situation and what you should not say…

1. “You’re such a nag”
Instead, you can tell your partner, “I feel judged.”

2. “You’re choking me”
Instead of hurting your partner in this way, choose to say, “I’m feeling overwhelmed and I need some time.”

3. “You are far away”
Another way to say this is to say, “I’m physically in the same room with you, but I feel lonely.”

4. “It’s like the world revolves around you.”
Instead of a sentence like this, tell your partner not to take everything personally.

5. “You’re selfish”
Alternatively, you can say, “I get upset when I feel like you don’t value me.”

6. “You don’t find me attractive anymore”
You can try saying to your loved one, “I’m sorry that our relationship isn’t as physical as it was in the past.”

7. “You don’t love me anymore”
It might be better to say, “I feel unloved by you.”

8. “Other people love me, why don’t you?”
Instead, it might be more constructive to say, “I feel like you don’t like me when you don’t talk to me.”

9. “You make me feel bad.”
You can try changing it to “I feel bad when you act like that.” Because the expression “you” is more destructive, while “we” is constructive. This way, your partner will start thinking about your words instead of getting defensive.

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