Deception map of European women and men

Deception map of European women and men

A study of loyalty among European couples found that 77 per cent of women perceived it as ‘shocking’ when ‘cheating’ is a woman, and 23 per cent perceiving it as ‘a man’. According to the survey, the most common males cheating on their husbands in Europe are Italian males, while females have a higher proportion of females.

A total of 5.026 people participated in the survey from Germany, France, England, Spain and Italy. The survey examined the rate of deception in men and women, how it is addressed in society, and the main reasons for deception with changes in the last 50 years.

According to the news in Euronews, Ifop’s research says that cinsel despite the increased sexual freedom in European countries, women are less prone to deceive than men because of the greater social pressure on women.

The study also noted a 270 percent increase in the percentage of women who confessed to cheating on their partner at least once in the last 50 years. In men, this increase is around 63 percent in the same time period.

Since 1970, the increase in the number of women cheating on the partner has been 4 times higher than in men. However, in 2019, 49 percent of men cheated on their husbands at least once, while 37 percent of women cheated at least once.

According to Ifop’s research, ‘German women are cheating en the most among these countries with a rate of 43 percent. Germany is followed by France with 37 percent, Italy and England with 33 percent.

The most loyal to their spouses are Spaniards with 30 percent.

On the other hand, in Italy and Spain, where women are most loyal, they are also the most cheated with 55 percent and 50 percent of men.

Germany is the country with the least difference of deception between women and men.

The survey also asked the reasons for deception of men and women. According to the answers, the person found himself more beautiful or handsome than his partner, the higher the economic and social level, living in big cities and not being satisfied with their sexual life were counted among the reasons for deception.

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