Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces

Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces

On April 12, 2022, Jupiter and Neptune conjunction took place in Pisces. The common symbols of this conjunction are quite clear. It is a position that will mark the coming period. Events related to the seas and space will simply leave their mark on the agenda. Due to the antiscium of Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces with Libra, war, separatism, politics, agreements, trade routes and earthquakes also fall under the influence of this conjunction.

When this conjunction in Pisces occurred earlier (1856), the Paris Agreement was on the agenda worldwide. It coincides with the end of the Crimean War (Libra), which is a sea coast (Pisces, Neptune, Jupiter). This agreement, in terms of Europe, which was on the side of the Ottoman Empire, which was the winning side of the war at that time; While it was about restoring the disturbed balance (Libra), it was also about gaining economic interests (Libra, Jupiter). With the destroyed navy of the Russians and with this agreement, Europe secured the trade routes to the east and its colonies (Jupiter). Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces symbolize navies over the seas.

With Libra antiscia, there are strategic and risky balances and political backgrounds that are sensitive and susceptible to disruption at any moment. As a result, we will see navies and sensitive, political/strategic balances in the seas in the coming period. While background agreements may prevent open/hot front warfare, the balance will tend to be lost at any moment, with politicians taking risks with other planetary triggers.

Of course, we can now see this background of abundant political or military maneuvers and agreements in space. Who will solve the confusion and competition due to space? This will be the most asked question for us.

Pisces is an extreme sign that falls victim to “Unity Consciousness”, “Focusing on the Big Picture Instead of the Small Picture”, is overly loved, and can even be declared a traitor or hero. Considering the antiscia Libra and the size difference, there is no middle ground between them in the Pisces symbol.

While it is exalted by one part of the society, it can be humiliated by the other part. It may be misunderstood or slandered by the “masses who do not know the backgrounds and are drawn to research and thinking” because of the “acting with the best interests of the whole” it symbolizes. We will see this situation ourselves in 2022. In other words, a hero / idealist who was declared a traitor by the ignorant people…

I can best explain this symbolism to you through the famous French marshal, Henri Philippe Petain. Because Jupiter’s conjunction with Neptune in Pisces is seen in Henri Philippe Petain.

As an instructor at the military academy, Pétain rose slowly as he opposed tactical theories advocated by the military’s veterans, reaching the rank of brigadier general at the age of 58. Petain saved his country in World War I and was declared a hero. In World War II, he was the head of Hitler’s puppet government and established an authoritarian government.

He believed that by collaborating with the Germans he could repair the devastation caused by the attack and free the prisoners of war. While he sacrificed some people in the small picture for this cause, he focused on other things in the big picture. To the french today who don’t know his background very well, Petain is a traitor.

Petain always tells us Vor Atreides in the Dune series and World War II. Reminds me of Leto. They were damned and selfless commanders who could make difficult decisions such as sacrificing millions of people for the ultimate salvation of the human race.

Continue Reading: Another non-spiritual dimension in Pisces.

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