Astrology: The link between the evolution of our soul and our lives

Astrology: The link between the evolution of our soul and our lives

Astrologers set out with evolutionary astrological methods to understand the evolution of the soul, using archetypes, fairy tales and mythological symbols in interpreting birth and star maps. From the concept of “evolution of the soul to the astrological energy of 2020, from the lunar cycles to daily horoscope interpretations, to different schools of astrology, to the relationship between astrology and psychology, we have asked astrologers many questions.

In interpreting the symbolic language of astrology, astrologers guide us to understand the effects of planets on our daily lives in the ever-changing and transforming universe. They guide us in various aspects such as relationship adjustment, child-parent adjustment, space energies, and the effects of lunar cycles.

In December 2020, the International Vedic Conference will be held in India. Each astrologer will attend this conference with his own map and will explain that everything consists of cycles, based on his observations of life. They will explain which cycle is about correctly understanding what it means. They will emphasize that it is very important to understand the planetary cycles in order to understand what we have experienced and what is happening on earth from a wider perspective.

You define astrology as the symbolic language between the sky and the earth. What kind of language is this astrology?

I can say that this language is man-made just like the other languages ​​we speak. We have looked at the sky since the beginning of existence and tried to interpret what we saw there. Over time we realized that there was a synchronicity between celestial movements and developments on earth. For example, when they observed the movements of Mars, our ancestors realized that violence, wars, conquests on earth increased or decreased due to its position in the sky and its interaction with other planets. Consequently, depending on the level of consciousness, planets, gods and goddesses began to be seen. This means the birth of this symbolic language through mythology.

Astrology: The link between the evolution of our soul and our lives

What does evolutionary astrology mean? What do different schools tell us in astrology? Is there a comment difference?

The emergence of different schools in astrology begins with the reading and interpretation of this symbolism in different ways. After all, we no longer attribute the reason for war to the anger of the god of war, Mars. However, it is not possible to deny that there is synchronicity. For example, when Mars enters Libra in every sense it would be a movement in the military in Turkey. The ancients attributed this to the fact that Mars was not at ease in Libra and was in harm. But why? When you pursue this question, you realize that reading the sky is multidimensional. For this reason, there are many different schools such as astropsychology, karmic astrology, shamanic astrology, evolutionary astrology, vibrational astrology, and new ones continue to be born.

When I completed my classical astrology education, I was sure that I was interested in reasons, not results. This means that I am more interested in showing why a person is having the same story in his relationships, why he is always attracted to people with the same energy, and what these experiences contribute to him, rather than telling him that he will have difficulty in interpreting the birth chart.

Evolutionary astrology also helped me deepen this point. It is a school that shows the ways of seeing the evolutionary process of the soul and building the bridge between past and present life. However, I am not only fed by this channel in my consultancy, I am trying to enrich my interpretation by following different astrological schools and astrologers, participating in trainings and researches.

What role do archetypes and symbols play in astrology? Can astrology help us to match symbols with our daily lives?

The famous psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung comes to mind when we talk about archetypes, which brings this concept to astrology again. Studying the birth charts of his patients, he combined psychology with astrology through archetypes. Therefore, thanks to Jung, the concept of archetype was introduced into astrology.

There are one or more archetypes with each planet and sign. For example, in the birth chart you can see traces of archetypes such as teacher, father, wise old, grumpy old, ruler in the life of Saturn or Capricorn energy-intensive people. The solemn, serious and pessimistic features become more dominant. In our daily lives, if we follow the sky well, we can see heavenly symbolism everywhere. For example, if there is an intense Virgo energy in the sky, we tend to be more judgmental, critical.

The desire to produce and work more is emerging. Because Virgo is related to the time of harvest on earth and we cannot assign them to warehouses while harvesting crops, we need to examine them carefully and eliminate them. We have to make our account correctly so that we can enter the winter. When you look at it this way, you can empathize because you understand the motivation under the criticism of someone with Virgo energy. His intention is not to injure with criticism, but to secure the job.

Astrology: The link between the evolution of our soul and our lives

What is the connection between astrology and psychology?

In my opinion, it is not possible to understand astrology without psychology. Astrology is ultimately the science of understanding the connection between up and down. There’s people down there. Jung; He stated that the Sun, Moon and planets are a kind of spiritual and psychological expression of the human character and therefore give more or less valid information about the character. For example, a person born in the conjunction of Saturn-Venus probably has a difficulty in expressing and expressing his love.

The individual may then see himself unlucky in terms of relationships. The astrologer’s task is to show the person that this is not about unlucky, that he has to feel valuable and solve things about giving and receiving love. The person’s birth chart guides him through life to understand why he has attracted certain types of people to himself and why he has always lived in the same place. It mirrors the blind spots that the individual cannot see.

How do we go through astrological days? We feel the energies intensely. What are your personal comments as an astrologer?

Since the beginning of 2019, we have been feeling the energy of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which will take place in January 2020. This conjunction in Capricorn, our relationship with authority, how we reflect our own inner authority, contains very intensive tests about our limits. Since the beginning of 2019, our individual boundaries have been violated and challenged by the situations and people we say “Yes de when we do not want to, and there are strong lessons. On the global scale, this conjunction; indicates the redistribution of power. Since Capricorn is about boundaries and leadership, changes are taking place over the understanding of leadership and boundaries. This effect can be felt much stronger in 2020.

Reading the birth chart, interpreting the astrology map is just a technical job? One’s art? Can each map review be different?
A natal chart cannot be interpreted without technical knowledge, but I think the technique is not enough to comprehend the multidimensional structure of the map. It is as if you need to feed on many things to enrich the interpretation of the birth chart and grasp that depth. I read a lot and diversified the interpretation of observation, for example when I read a novel,

I sometimes visualize the birth chart of the novel characters in my head, even this helps to deepen the interpretation of a birth chart. In other words, technical knowledge and how one looks at life and makes the connection between symbols differentiate the interpretation to read a birth chart. I can even say that technical knowledge is not fixed, and that every astrologist has changed from his own experience.

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