The art of organizing refrigerator

The art of organizing refrigerator

Keeping your refrigerator clean and organized doesn’t just make you feel better; also helps to protect your food for longer. With a few small touches you can make in your refrigerator, you can reach a much better image.

Place large storage containers on shelves

Simply grab a few large, plastic storage containers, label them and enjoy an organized, tidy refrigerator.

Use clips for packaged foods and bottled beverages

This way, you can shoot two birds with one stone: with clips you can keep food packages closed and evaluate the dead area of ​​your refrigerator.

Store seasonal vegetables in jars

So you can keep your salads fresh for a long time. With this tactic, your refrigerator will look more tidy and organized.

Use egg carton for sauce bottles

Are the shelves in your refrigerator scattered with all kinds of sauce bottles? If so, you can get rid of this problem by using egg cartons.

Clean your refrigerator without harmful chemicals

A solution prepared with lemon and rosemary will make your refrigerator smell fresh and fresh.

Prepare a snack area

Prepare a separate box or basket for your snacks to avoid searching for food in the refrigerator.

Use multi-purpose boxes in the freezer

Place the multi-purpose boxes in your freezer to avoid irregularity and clutter.

Label each shelf of the refrigerator door

Label each of the shelves on the cover and avoid confusion for your family.

Prepare a special space for food that needs to be consumed first

Say no to waste of food! Prepare a special box to put your foods that need to be consumed quickly and put a label on it.

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