Narcissists are generally attractive people in society. They can react appropriately to you, capture your weaknesses and use you in line with your weaknesses. You are more likely to be a lover without even understanding how you are with a narcissist who is attracted to you. And then? Clinical psychologists explain what happens when you fall in love with such a person.
arcissists are the main theme for themselves
First of all, remember that people who are narcissists always think about themselves. They look at your characteristics when you start a relationship. They pay attention to beauty, success, status, good image. The reason he prefers you is because he thinks you’ll look beautiful beside him. They make you feel very special in the early days of your relationship. However, as the relationship progresses, you may think that there is an inconsistency in behavior, even though they say that they love you very much.
Since narcissists are the main theme themselves, they will constantly talk about their wishes, peace, happiness and comfort. If you manage to be happy with him, your relationship will progress. They may be jealous of you being happy at some moments while the relationship is going on. They may behave to attract you down. They can pretend to have intense feelings about you. The goal here is that they want the focus of attention in your life to be entirely on their own. He feels excluded when you share with others. Even if he doesn’t cause any problems at the moment, he might show his anger at another.
So difficult to communicate properly
It is often very difficult to communicate properly. Especially moments of discussion may sound like nightmares. The discussions themselves are always right. You will never have any right. If you try to explain your right, he blames you, he doesn’t listen. Not underneath. He may not talk to you for days. You may feel like you’re really guilty now that you’ve been blamed all the time.
On many occasions you may think that it is just a task that falls on you. They are inadequate to thank or apologize. You always need to tell him yourself, but you can’t access him. Sounds like it has walls. This can wear you down and awaken anger.
Fidelity and loyalty problem
In the meantime, they may have relationships with other people in the relationship. Loyalty and fidelity is a bit difficult concept. They may not be there when you get sick, when you are weak, and when you say you need it. Because then their perspective changes because you are unhappy.
It doesn’t appeal to him. They can call someone else to feed. They may be flirting with others. When things don’t work out, they can come back to you. You have a feeling that your relationship isn’t sitting.
There are some patterns of behavior to paint. They do things that make you feel special, like taking you to dinner in a stylish place, making surprises and buying gifts. This period is very short. Then you think you’re going to experience this period all the time and you want to get your relationship together.
Attachment seems as a danger to themselves
You make concessions. The more concessions you make, the more aggressive it may become. Attachment is seen as a danger to themselves. Special days can become problems later in the relationship. Because they want to feel special, they can create unpleasantness on your special day.
Narcissists actually struggle with serious problems in them. They see that they have a problem. But they still don’t want to connect. Most of the time they want a comfortable relationship that cannot be difficult. You can have serious fights when you warn to take responsibility for the relationship and control your flirting behavior.
He may break up with you when he thinks he’s found better than you. His own happiness is completely in the foreground. It doesn’t mean anything to you that you’re upset or trying to round up. If he wants to finish, he will. And when he’s done, he acts like you’re guilty again. For this reason, many people feel unhappy about whether they are constantly doing their best. However, there is repetitive return behavior.
In such relationships, the people who are married to the narcissist may face the problem of losing their self in their marriage. Their relationship becomes very destructive during the times of love, often they are burned out. When you are weak, the narcissistic people go away from you.
Ready to be manipulated
When you’re exhausted, he goes as long as you wait for him to stand by you. Then you retreat to forget it, then come back to remind you. There is actually a passionate relationship within the git cycle. But the moments when you’re good are pretty rare compared to your bad moments. It manipulates you, gives you emotional depression, and in some cases even financially damages.
Trying to correct the narcissist relationship in your own right is a spiritually very consumer way. Especially since they have problems with attachment, they will never want to improve anyway. They’re always right. If you recover, they will create psychology. They usually refuse to come to therapy, and even if they do, they usually stop.
You feel more unhappy
When such a relationship lasts a long time and you leave this relationship, you will feel very unhappy at first. However, from time to time, you feel that you have escaped a great captivity by remembering the times it manipulated you. You feel free and strong. You get your old strong structure. Because in this kind of relationship, you feel as if you have lost your self-confidence, become lonely and dependent on it.
In fact, such people give some signals at the beginning of relationships. When you capture those signals, instead of taking constructive steps to maintain the relationship, you can try to move away from it without further attachment. Because once you are connected, things will become more challenging and inextricable.
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