Review this map before planning a vacation

Review this map before planning a vacation

The Travel Risk Map 2019 prepared by Control Risks for global travelers has been published with International SOS. According to the map, which contains important clues about travel security, there are only 10 countries “completely safe for travelers around the world, eight of them in Europe.

The report, prepared by the travel security teams, mainly focused on political violence in countries (war, terrorism, insurrection, etc.), social upheaval (religious, sectarian, political, ethnic polarization and violence against women) and other acts of violence and the intensity of ordinary crimes.

Review this map before planning a vacation

On the other hand, transportation infrastructure, the adequacy of security services and emergency services, the quality of industrial relations and the region’s vulnerability to natural disasters were also considered criteria. According to the news in Gezzio; Only the Luxembourg, Denmark, Slovenia, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Seychelles and Green Cape Islands could be included in the “insignificantly risky” category.

Among the “extreme” risky countries and regions, the following countries and regions appear: Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Somalia, Gaza Strip, parts of Egypt, parts of Nigeria, some eastern parts of Ukraine.

Nearly all European countries, the USA, Japan, China, Canada, Australia, as well as our neighbors Iran, Georgia and Armenia were included in the “low” risk group. Russia, Turkey, Brazil, India, along with countries like Indonesia, took place “moderate” risk countries.

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