How much lies lie in our lives?

How much lies lie in our lives?

First of all, we can be exposed to 10 to 200 lies on any given day. A lie is an attempt to deliberately mislead another person in order to knowingly know that it is true, to reward or harm someone else.

A Psychological Counselor says: “What is important here is intentional and conscious way of changing or distorting the truth. His wife does not like the newly cut hair, but “beautiful” was a person who says that the murder of a person who denies the fact that there is no difference. Pink, powdery pink, like black… Names can talk about the difference,”

It is obvious how much lies lie in our lives, and it seems to avoid problems from time to time. Then we will say, ın Live long! Hayır No. Lies cause an individual to experience conflict within himself and become tense, increasing distrust and distance between people and killing relationships.

It is a tempting topic to tell why a lie as well as how it is noticed. We have a 54 percent chance of catching lies. Don’t you want to know if the person you’re talking to is telling the truth? According to the latest information, the most obvious clue is in the flow of thought. Those who lie are thinking longer and more hesitating during the conversation so that they can gather support in their minds.

How much lies lie in our lives?

The micro-expressions that are overlooked because of the lack of importance in daily dialogues or the focus on the next word actually tell us everything. For example; If there are no wrinkles near our eyes when we smile, that smile is probably fake.

There is a proverb that supports this situation “If a person is not playing belly while laughing. As another example, if a person involuntarily bends his lips down as he speaks, it shows that he does not even believe what he is saying.

If you suspect that an incident has been told to you is a lie, ask the other person to tell it in reverse. The liar who recites his story from memory never thinks backward memorization. A good liar must have a good memory. Bad liars cannot control their body movements and tones and leak what they lie through these channels.

Lying creates a general aroused state, such that the person who lies tells the eye, enlargement of the pupil, blinking more frequently, drying the throat and swallowing. You can trace the lie around the nose. As the most sensitive ends of the nervous system are on the nose, the signals of the discord of the brain first manifest themselves in the nose and the nose starts to tingle, itch and flush. The difference from real itching is that the person lying is scratching his nose slightly.

How much lies lie in our lives?

A right-handed person should look upwards to the left while sharing real events, memories and emotions. If he is lying, the side he will look at will be the right side, the creative side. But if you’re a professional liar, the only place he’s gonna look is in your eyes. Because lying is known to be something wrong from the inside, lying hands are involuntarily taken to the mouth area, thus trying to hide the obstacle. Even touching the lips is the tip.

If you have doubts about where the person is and what they are doing, pay attention to how much detail they give when answering your questions. You may be right if it gives too much detail and offers details to support its story.

The body posture of the people who use the lie will stand behind you and even draw the escape route because it sees you as a threat. Coincidentally, he felt the need to go to the sink. The other thing you can observe is that the body and discourse are not consistent. For example, you may be sharing a sad life because you cannot come to work, but you may have a deceptive smile on your face. Or the person who lied says “yes ama but shakes his head as “no“.

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