How to Keep the Passion Alive

How to Keep the Passion Alive

You’ve found your soul mate. Now you live happily ever after. Well, maybe, but not if you do not put some energy into your relationship. Many couples assume that it is perfectly natural to eventually become one of those couples who remains in a pizza, and the question of the most exciting night to watch that movie on cable. Is that your relationship?

Although the company is a great sign of a healthy relationship, many couples can fall into the trap of becoming too complacent. There may be a fine line between a good relationship and a relationship boring. You find yourself sitting in bed working on your laptop or watching reruns on TV, or are you still swinging from chandeliers?

Although not all will be performing both aerobics room forever, passion and romance are important in all stages of a healthy relationship. Feel comfortable and at ease with your soul mate is a fantastic feeling. However, couples must now be extremely cautious when they reach that comfort zone they do not stop trying.

Remember all those sweet romantic things you did to them in the beginning? Why stop? They made you feel good about them, as they felt good for your partner to receive them. Gratitude and appreciation are two extremely important factors in a happy society. You are grateful when this fantastic person came into your life. You’ve enjoyed their great qualities. Six months or a year on the track this person is always the person that you were so grateful to meet. Keep showing them that.

How to Keep the Passion Alive

Couples who have the time or need for sleep are challenged to take the seed of all these celebrity books. Make time for yourself as a couple. If you must, write in your journal or Blackberry. Give yourself a night all week just for you two. Maybe you just want to go out for a simple meal. Maybe you want a massage for your aching neck.

As time passes, you will be able to lay down some of your special time. Examples of turn off cell phones and computers, or no TV, or candles only. Whatever works for the pair of you. You’ll find that you’ll begin to look forward to your romantic time together. Maybe you can start a mental list of things you’d like to do or where you want to go. Before too long, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without your time as a couple.

You can live happily ever after. We must work to keep alive the passion in a healthy relationship. Do not blow sparks appeasement relationship of love with your soul mate. Each couple must charm, pleasure and passion to maintain a happy and flourishing.

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