How to spot an eating disorder in teens

How to spot an eating disorder in teens

According to a new book from Dr. Oz, a sudden change in posture may be cause for concern.

It seems that teenagers these days a lot more pressure than ever: study harder to get into the school of their dreams, sweat more to do on the team in high school, constantly texting to follow the lives of their friends. Some of these children do a wonderful job of handling everything, some of them hit some roadblocks, and others are not sure how best to deal with everything going on in their lives.

According to Drs. Mehmet Oz, Michael F. Roizen and Ellen Rome, authors of You: The Owner’s Manual for Teens: A Guide to a healthy body and a happy life, one way that some teens try to cope with not only these pressures, but also they may feel pressure to have the perfect body is through the way they treat their bodies, namely in the form of eating disorders, the point where a significant portion of their lives is controlled by thoughts and actions involving food, weight and / or body.

There are several ways you can tell if the young person in your life shows signs of an eating disorder. Not every child has all the signs, it is not an exhaustive or exclusive. But there are signs to watch for include:

Excessive concern about body part: If he or she is talking about a body part that sounds great to most other people around them, it could be a sign of an obsession that can occur in adolescence to control their diet in an unhealthy way. Although individual perceptions of what is normal is different, it is okay to use “reasonable standard” here is because those with eating disorders tend not to see their bodies so that the most others. For the sake of appearance or body weight that is on the way daily life is a tip-off although it has taken more than just a healthy teen-like concern for the appearance.

Unusual food rituals: This may be to reorganize the food on the plate, excessive chewing, eating food in a certain order, or having to measure all the food consumed. While being smart about food choices is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, excessive ritual behavior may be a sign that someone is crossing the line between health-conscious and dangerous.

Changes in position: Those with eating disorders often try to hide their appearance (weight loss sudden and extreme) by wearing clothing or bending over baggier. They do this to cover their tracks, so that adults can not see these changes in the body and get a clue to their behavior changes related to food.

Solo excessive behavior: When someone makes a point of trying to eat alone or taking right after a meal, it can be a sign that she is really limiting the amount she eats or bulimia and / or purging thereafter. It is important to remember that behaviors can help to define eating disorders, but the root problem has to do more with the feelings and thoughts that the person has about his body.

Increase self-awareness: Eating disorders seem to sink into the brains of their victims, to support their thoughts and become stronger every day. They build a “grease trap”, where every comment, every situation is filtered through the box and distorted, so it appears as a criticism or demand. “You look great today” becomes “You usually look fat.” “You’re so healthy” becomes “You’re eating too much.” “I like your hair” becomes “I can not find something nice to say about the rest of you.”

Other signs to watch for:

• Preoccupation with appearance, body shape or weight, with the concern getting in the way of everyday life.
• According sadness, frustration or anger on body image.
• Frequent use of self-deprecating comments.
• frequent comparison to others about the appearance, body shape or weight.
• The secret related to eating habits or exercise.
• Dramatic weight loss or regular and / or extreme fluctuations in weight (large UPS and downs).
• severely restricting food intake.
• Bingeing.
• Refusal to eat certain foods.
• obsessed with body weight, calories, food, or diet.
• Making excuses to avoid meals and eating, including food intolerances or allergies when claiming any actually exist.
• To complain about feeling fat often.
• excessive exercise, even in bad weather or illness, need to get rid of the calories consumed.
• vomiting, diet pills, using laxatives, or other forms of purging.
• Frequent use of weighing.
• Refusal to eat in front of others.
• Consistent denial of hunger.
• Attempts to hide the look with clothes or posture.
• mood swings, depression, personality removed.

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