If a woman frequently freshens up her makeup or hair, it’s probably for you.
You and a pretty redhead huddle in a corner table in the impossible-to-get-into new French bistro. And now, you notice it mocks your jokes, twirling her hair, and giving other signs it crystal you. Or is it? The problem is, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if a woman is really interested or just going through the motions. But fortunately, there are many ways to make a difference. The signs below are the real deal.
1. She touches herself up.
If she apologized to the bathroom between classes, it is doubtful that it has a weak bladder. No, more likely it is there freshen her makeup or making sure her hair is in place… everything for you. “If it is in you, she’ll worry about how she looks, ” says Alison James, author of the upcoming Better Off Wed? “Or, if it is at the table, it will be fixing his shirt or brushing your hair back, maybe check that the strap of her bra is not showing or adjusting her necklace – the sort of things you do when you’re worried about your appearance.”
2. She asks about your family
“When a woman loves a guy, she just does not know him,” says Jillian Straus, author of Unhooked Generation: The Truth About Why we’re still single. “She wants to know about his family and friends -. She is looking for clues about what life with him would be like” In fact, especially if you have been introduced or are on a blind date and know very little about each other, your relationship with your family says a lot about you – and a woman interested in you will not hesitate to probe. “I think family is very revealing about the personality of a person,” said Tina Andreadis, 35, New York. “If he is close with his family, he shows he is probably a warm person who values relationships and who wants a family of his own. If I’m not interested in him, I do not even ask not because I do not. ”
3. She is careful
Let’s say it this way: no matter how busy she is, she is not whipping his BlackBerry, if she is interested in what you have to say. “If it does not check his watch, email or mobile phone, it’s just one more sign that she is paying attention to you,” James said. “If you like a guy, you’re clinging to her lips. If you do not, you are easily distracted. “The same goes for any concerns it has with the immediate environment, if people watching or admiring the scenery or even restaurant food. If she says things like,” This restaurant is wonderful. Hey, not that girl over there looks like Marisa Tomei she may be fun, but not necessarily because you’re there.
4. She’s touchy-feely
If you find your date engaging in some physical contact with spiritual jokes, chances are you’ve made a very good impression. In tapping your knee to emphasize a point or touching your forearm to get your attention, if a woman is attracted to you she will not hesitate to reach out and let you know. Megan, 35, New York, employs this trick with guys she finds attractive. “I pretend to balance myself when I did not need to be stabilized,” she said. “When I climbed on a stool, I’ll grab onto his shoulder or leg when I do clearly not needed, “she laughs.
5. The date lasting longer than expected
Ask any woman desperate wind, date, and she will say she skips dessert or declines an after dinner walk. Naturally, then, if it is a great time and do not want to see you go, she will gladly take the server’s suggestion and try chocolate cake, or join you at home by taxi. And if you have agreed to meet for coffee and after a few sips, she takes you on your offer of dinner? It is a bright green light, my friend. “Only if I’m the guy will I agree to go to dinner if he suggests a meeting area for coffee” date, “says Diana, 38, of Boston.” If I meet a guy and I’m not him, I’m definitely not going to accept to eat later. ”
So now that you know the signs that she is really enjoying your time together, use them! Ask for another date, a hug or kiss goodnight … and things should go in a more positive light.
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