The metaverse may sound interesting, but it could be the answer to the fermi paradox. Where are the others? Why haven’t we found the aliens yet?
They may already be living in their Metaverse, which may be why we haven’t found other civilizations yet. The distance between the stars is too great for humans to bear, and cosmic radiation is a serious danger to our body. So it would make sense if we started using the metastore. We can explore the universe using avatars and surrogates!
While the main promise of Metaverse is “being,” one of the biggest challenges for companies creating Metaverse will be figuring out how to engage all five human senses. But in the future this problem will be a thing of the past.
Maybe in the future people won’t have to choose between the real world and virtual reality. What if we could live in both places? Humans will one day become independent from earth and start colonizing other star system planets and moons.
But because it’s human nature to want more, we may need to colonize other planetary systems, and so on. You might ask why, when arbitrarily intense virtual worlds are possible with knowledge and activity, we spend tons of time mostly crossing vast empty gulfs of space to stare at dead rocks.
Being aware of the great distances between stars, we may be living in a virtual world while traveling to another star. During such interstellar travel, when encountering something interesting, there may be an option to open up to the real world or just to see what the universe is like.
This is how Charles Stross goes in his book “Accelerando,” but goes to the more extreme of abandoning corpses and making tiny spaceships, a computer running a VR simulation where people’s minds are loaded.
This means that even if the physical body is actually destroyed, you will continue to live in the meta-universe, preserving your personality, behavioral logic, and even real-world memories in the digital world.
But if you upload your mind to a computer and build a spaceship around that computer, the spaceship actually becomes your body. It is conceivable that there would be no need to colonize other planets as these beings could live in space itself. However, the need to diffuse may still exist so that a single supernova or gamma-ray burst does not destroy us.
At a time when the speed of technological change is so great and the effort to keep up with change will overwhelm us, human beings are getting closer to the technological singularity day by day. Humans will face a new set of problems that we can’t even imagine.
There will come a time when the capabilities of a computer will surpass those of the human brain. Artificial intelligence can completely replace humans. But we like to think that humans can be replaced not just by artificial intelligence, but by some mix of humans and machines.
If other civilizations were similar to ours but older, we would expect them to have already moved beyond the singularity. This means they don’t have to be on a planet in the habitable zone.
Such civilizations might prefer somewhere in space, in a dry and cold environment, where there is little electronic noise, where they can use superconductivity for computing and quantum entanglement as a means of communication. This may explain the lack of evidence for intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. Why would they use primitive radio waves to send messages?
The humans of the future will be very different from us and will probably no longer be flesh and blood. But it’s hard to tell yet whether our future is tied to a meta-universe or reality. Maybe both exist. There may even be a merger between them. But it seems that man will never give up his spirit of discovery…
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