The Lion in Winter (1968)

The Lion in Winter (1968)

The Lion in Winter movie storyline. An historical, dramatic tale of dysfunctional family intrigue set in the court of British King Henry II (O’Toole) in 1183, from James Goldman’s sharply written screenplay (adapted from his own play). Ten years earlier, Henry II had imprisoned his wife, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (Hepburn, who won her third of four acting Oscars), as punishment for helping precipitate a civil war against him.

His three treacherous sons who are also vying for the British throne consist of the eldest, the legendary and fiery Prince Richard the Lionhearted (Hopkins in his film debut), the quiet but dangerous middle son Prince Geoffrey (Castle), and the youngest, the manipulative and thieving scoundrel Prince John (Terry).

The three sons and estranged wife Eleanor are summoned by Henry to the castle for a Christmas family reunion in Chinon, France. He has decided to name one of his three sons as his heir to the throne. Adding to the intrigue and plotting of who will be favored (Henry favors John, while Eleanor favors Richard), the teenaged but cunning monarch King Philip II of France (Dalton in his film debut) is also invited, with his older sister Princess Alais (Merrow) – Henry’s mistress. The film shines with the performances and dialogue between the two leads: 36-year old O’Toole as the 50 year-old monarch, and 61 year-old Hepburn as his younger wife.

The Lion in Winter Movie Poster (1968)

The Lion in Winter (1968)

Directed by: Anthony Harvey
Starring: Peter O’Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Terry, Timothy Dalton, Jane Merrow, Nigel Stock, Kenneth Ives, Fran Stafford, Ella More, Kenneth Griffith
Screenplay by: James Goldman
Cinematography by: Douglas Slocombe
Film Editing by: John Bloom
Costume Design by: Margaret Furse, Lee Poll
Set Decoration by: Lee Poll
Art Direction by: Peter Murton, Lee Poll
Music by: John Barry
Distributed by: AVCO Embassy Pictures
Release Date: October 30, 1968

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