The Parallax View (1974)
The Parallax View movie storyline: Senator Charles Carroll was assassinated by a lone gunman who also died at the scene, with no larger conspiracy involved in the assassination.
The Parallax View (1974) Read MoreClassic, landmark films in cinematic history.
The Parallax View movie storyline: Senator Charles Carroll was assassinated by a lone gunman who also died at the scene, with no larger conspiracy involved in the assassination.
The Parallax View (1974) Read MoreSunrise at Campobello movie storyline. In 1921, ‘Franklin Delano Roosevelt’, having been the losing vice-presidential candidate in the 1920 election, has few to no thoughts of re-entering politics, although he is still working tirelessly for the Democratic Party.
Sunrise at Campobello (1960) Read MoreCleopatra movie storyline. In 48 B.C., Julius Caesar pursues Pompey from Pharsalia to Egypt. Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII, now supreme ruler after deposing his older sister, Cleopatra VII.
Cleopatra (1963) Read MoreRollover movie storyline. At Boro National Bank in New York City, executive Roy Lefcourt orders his traders to sell $100 million in shares, and, in turn, U.S. currency begins to lose value.
Rollover (1981) Read MoreThe Arrangement storyline. Los Angeles-based ad executive Eddie Anderson, born Evangelos Arness to Greek immigrant parents, has launched what is the latest in a string of successful ad campaigns.
The Arrangement (1969) Read MoreThe Postman Always Rings Twice movie storyline. Frank Chambers is a hobo who stops at a rural diner for a meal and ends up working there.
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) Read More