Amazing effects of to eat a slice of papaya per day

Eat a slice of papaya per day to feel its mazing effects

Considered as one of the healthiest foods in the world, if you consume papaya every day, it provides amazing effects to your body. Although Papaya is grown in many countries of the world today, it is a tropical fruit that grows especially in Mexico and Central America. It is a low-calorie fruit and contains high amounts of vitamins, minerals and different enzymes with many benefits. You can benefit from all these benefits by eating a slice of papaya per day.

Eat a slice of papaya per day to feel its mazing effects Read More
Let's drink fruit juice to be healthier

Let’s drink fruit juice to be healthier

In order to increase body resistance against diseases, as recommended by experts, it is necessary to eat healthy and focus on vegetable and fruit consumption. Especially fruits contain phytochemicals that have been proven to be beneficial for health. Phytochemicals also contain phenolic components that show vitamin and antioxidant properties. The fruits we consume during this cycle will return to us as health.

Let’s drink fruit juice to be healthier Read More
What you need to know about purple bread

What you need to know about purple bread

Recently, developed countries have started to produce “functional foods” by using food technologies that are advancing day by day in the public interest. This method, which enables the nutritional value of any food to be improved by scientific and clinical methods, has recently led to the emergence of a product called “purple bread”. So what is the price of purple bread, what does it contain? Let’s look at it together.

What you need to know about purple bread Read More