NASA: Life on Mars might be explored In two years but the world is “not ready”

NASA: Life on Mars might be explored In two years but the world is "not ready"

One of NASA’s chief investigators said the space agency was close to finding life on Mars, but the world was not prepared for the “groundbreaking” effects of this discovery.

ExoMars Rover, named “Rosalind” in memory of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, will collect samples by drilling the Mars surface 2 meters in search of extraterrestrial life. It will then crush these samples and break them up and look for organic compounds in the samples in the small laboratory carried by the vehicle.

Dr. Green likens this possible discovery of life in the 16th century when astronomer Nikolas Copernicus proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph. “This will trigger an entirely new way of thinking, Green says Green. I don’t think we’re ready for these results. “Orum I’m worried because I think we’re close to exploring and making some announcements.”

NASA’s ground vehicle Mars 2020 will drill rocks on the planet and then send test tubes filled with rock samples to Earth. These will be the first items in history brought from Mars to Earth.

Dr Green added that the life to be discovered on Mars will leave scientists with a number of new questions: “Then there’s a whole new set of scientific questions. Does this life look like ours? What kind of connection do we have? ““ Could life have moved from one planet to the other, or did we have a spark and a completely favorable environment, and did that spark reveal life here, like or unlike us, based on the chemical environment? ”

Recent research shows that planets, previously thought to be unable to accommodate life, may once have provided the conditions for life. This year, scientists discovered that there could be a large and efficient water system flowing below the surface of Mars.

Another study published this month suggested that Venus’ atmosphere might be suitable for 2 to 3 billion years of life until it became incredibly intense and warm about 700 million years ago.

According to Dr Green, some recent research suggests that civilizations may have existed on other planets as well. Dr. Green explains: imiz We have no reason to think that civilizations have not been established anywhere else, because we are discovering exoplanets everywhere (planets outside the solar system).

Within 24 hours of Green’s comment, technology entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that SpaceX would carry a crew and cargo to Mars and other planets in the Solar system and then return to Earth.

Musk said that the re-usability of his company’s Starship spacecraft is essential to the sustainability of space travel. This new vehicle is expected to launch its first launch in about two months and rise to 20,000 kilometers and land again on Earth.

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