New graduates of Generation Z have a high firing rate

New graduates of Generation Z have a high firing rate

New graduates of Generation Z have a high firing rate. Approximately 60% of employers surveyed report firing a newly graduated employee they hired in 2024. Employees’ lack of motivation, unprofessional behavior and poor communication skills are among the most common reasons for dismissals.

Lack of competence in the work

Huy Nguyen, education and career consultant of the Intelligent platform, states that young graduates have great difficulties in transitioning to business life. Nguyen says, “New graduates have difficulty adapting to a more liberal work environment than the structural order of the education process. The cultural dynamics in business life and the expectations of independent work are an unusual and challenging experience for many young people.”

In addition to theoretical knowledge, the need for practical experience and soft skills plays a key role for success in the business world. However, it is observed that Generation Z employees have deficiencies in these skills.

According to survey results, some Generation Z employees have difficulty managing their workload, are late for meetings, and fail to comply with appropriate dress and behavior rules at work. These situations shake employers’ trust in this generation.

Overdependence on family support

Another report found that Gen Z workers are too reliant on parental support when looking for a job. According to this survey by ResumeTemplates, 70% of young people admitted to getting help from their parents in the job search process. More strikingly, 25% attended job interviews with their parents, and some even had their parents apply for jobs.

This dependence shows that young employees lack the ability to take on individual responsibility in the business world. For employers, this runs counter to expectations of professionalism and autonomy.

The need for companies to change their approach to Generation Z is becoming increasingly evident. To better prepare young workers, employers need to improve their training processes and provide more guidance to new employees.

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