Marvel’s latest movie had the worst opening weekend in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MSE). Since its theatrical release in the previous weeks, the film had earned the unfortunate title of having the worst opening weekend in MSE’s 32-film history.
The Marvels, which reportedly had a budget of at least $220 million, grossed $47 million in its opening weekend (November 10) in the United States. After the film grossed $161 million worldwide, some media outlets described it as a box office flop.
Ms. Marvel’s 21-year-old star Vellani stars alongside Brie Larson and WandaVision’s Teyonah Paris in the latest movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MSE).
The Marvels star Iman Vellani did not want to answer the question about the film’s failure at the box office in a recent interview. Asked about the film’s performance, Vellani said, “I don’t want to focus on something that I don’t even have control over because what’s the point?” said.
Vellani continued: “The box office has nothing to do with me. It’s Disney’s CEO Bob Iger’s business. I’m happy with the final work, and people I care about enjoyed the movie. I had a really good time watching this movie, and That’s all we can ask of movies. It has superheroes, it’s set in space, it’s not a very deep movie, and it’s about teamwork and sisterhood. It’s a fun movie and I’m so glad I can share it with others.”
It was predicted before its release that The Marvels would perform poorly at the box office due to “Marvel fatigue” that fans complained about.
Internet trolls celebrated the film’s failure after it was reported that it had flopped at the box office. Prolific horror writer Stephen King had defended the film, arguing that “part of the rejection of The Marvels may be due to hatred from teenage male fans. “You know, ‘Ugh! GIRLS!'” King said.
Why should we rejoice in failure?
Nia DaCosta, the director of the film, made history as Marvel’s youngest and first black female director. The superhero Captain Marvel, the character played by Larson in the movie in which she plays the leading role, is Ms. Vallani’s character. He teams up with Marvel and Paris’s Monica Rambeau as a result of their intertwining powers.
Although some critics slammed the film and described it as a “disjointed mess” whose last act was “rushed”, The Independent’s Clarisse Loughrey disagreed and claimed that DaCosta was “scapegoated”. In his 4-star review, Loughrey wrote, “This poorly promoted sequel is superb.”
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