Since the beginning of the history of thought, human beings have resorted to religions, philosophy and different practices to find themselves; Searched for an answer to the question “Who am I?”
We have an experience in which we know what we are as ego. We have a definition based on our name, gender, and appearance, but this is where the dilemma arises. Because the Self knows that these definitions do not exist.
As the definitions and adjectives increase, the stuckness this creates also increases. For this reason, in the history of thought and philosophy, the first people to turn to such searches were people who had more responsibilities, that is, ‘definitions’, in high society and society. Buddha, Plato etc. like…
And today we continue our search to find ourselves. Because we know in our ESSENCE that we are a being beyond the definitions in our daily lives. So, who are we?
Close your eyes. Breathe in, breathe out, and ask yourself these questions over and over again until the answers come to you:
Who Are You?
The brain is a beautiful machine. He can find an answer to everything. It can produce endless dreams. Can make endless excuses. It has the power of creation. It is actually a machine that creates from nothing to nothing.
Of course, this process is affected by our surroundings, the environment we are in, the people we interact with, our hormonal balance and even what we eat.
The brain senses subtle and non-subtle energies and transforms them into a “thing”. A decoder is an energy receiver that works like a satellite receiver. And this could go on forever.
If we ask “Who Are You?” forever, we will get endless answers.
But who actually are YOU? Which answer are you?
We think that we are the person we choose, but all of these definitions create limitations in us. We take infinite energy and try to put it in a box. But this is impossible.
In fact, what we are doing is opening a box for ourselves in infinity by ignoring the other sides.
In the spiritual development, spiritual awakening, inner evolution and personal development studies we carry out as The One Community, what we call “deepening” is expanding the limits of this box a little more or getting out of the box for a while and looking around.
Experiences give us this chance.
This can happen with breathing, dance, music, medicine, shamanic journey… It can happen with many other things. Experiences outside of what we know ourselves to therefore enrich us.
Enrichment is a very beautiful concept. Because it is also said in ancient teachings; The universe on this plane we are in has infinite richness. We just don’t use them because they’re not in the box.
We feel inadequate for some situations. We feel like we can’t do it. Sometimes we can say, “I am the person who does it like this, I am the person who can do it.” Non-recognition made with both negative and positive sentences creates a limit in front of us.
This situation can be likened to a kind of comfort zone. Because we know, or think we know, what is inside the comfort zone.
The answer to the question “Who are you?” is actually: “You are All. And you are already the person you want to be.” But you don’t have access there because you’ve somehow limited it to that box that you’ve created.
Give yourself a few minutes right now and try to record the energy state you are in without defining it…
Breathe deeply and just record how you feel. Feel it, experience it.
Then imagine this… If the terms shame, obligation and necessity suddenly disappeared from the world. How would you feel? Who would you be then?
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