Locked In, the “mysterious” thriller on Netflix divided audience into two

Locked In (2023)

The new Netflix movie called Locked In rose to number one on the streaming platform’s most watched list. The thriller, which was released on November 1, stars Famke Janssen, known for her role as Xenia Onatopp in the 1995 James Bond movie GoldenEye, as well as Rose Williams, Alex Hassel, Finn Cole and Anna Friel.

Netflix briefly summarizes the plot of the 2023 thriller as follows: The story revolves around a newlywed, Lina, and her strained relationship with her mother-in-law, Katherine. A rivalry between them leads to a hospitalization due to locked-in syndrome. Nurse McKenzie seeks to uncover how Katherine got injured, revealing a tale of infidelity, betrayal, and murder.

The screenplay of Locked In, which is director Nour Wazzi’s first feature film, is written by British writer and director Rowan Joffé. After only five days of viewing, Locked In managed to rank first on Netflix’s Global Top 10 list.

Locked In, which is suitable for audiences over the age of 16, was watched for 28.8 million hours in the week of October 30 – November 5 and received 17.8 million total views, making it by far the most watched production on Netflix during this period. Adapted from SJ Watson’s bestselling novel Before I Go to Sleep, the 1 hour and 36 minute film centers on the story of Katherine, a former Hollywood star.

Conflicting comments

There are only four reviews about the film on the review compilation site Rotten Tomatoes. For now, this is not enough for the film to qualify for an official score.

The movie’s audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is only 23 out of 100. Benjamin Lee from the Guardian commented, “Shawnaway is a film you wish you had stopped watching much earlier” and openly stated that he regretted watching the thriller on Netflix. Despite this, there are some Netflix users who liked the movie.

“It will make audience paranoid”

One viewer, impressed by the film, wrote on Twitter: “The Slave on Netflix is ​​a very, very good movie. A good plot twist.”

Another person said the following about the movie: “I just watched Esaret. It’s gripping from beginning to end. The best movie I’ve watched on Netflix in a long time.”

Another social media user claimed that “the movie will make the viewers completely paranoid” and said: “Fascinating from start to finish. Rose Williams is beautiful in this movie.”

Another viewer made the following comment about the film, which he described as “mysterious”: “It’s a very good movie, we think we predicted everything, but no… Everything is fine until the end.”

Locked In Movie Poster (2023)

Locked In (2023)

Directed by: Nour Wazzi
Starring: Famke Janssen, Rose Williams, Alex Hassell, Finn Cole, Anna Friel, Georgia Thorne, Toby Ryan, Karl Collins, Lesley Molony, Chris Hallaways, Hope Delaney, Cain Aiden, Sam Lockwood
Screenplay by: Rowan Joffe
Production Design by: Amanda McArthur
Cinematography by: Remi Adefarasin
Film Editing by: Fiona DeSouza
Costume Design by: Holly Smart
Set Decoration by: Celia De La Hey
Art Direction by: Robert Haynes, James Laing, Andrea Stern
Music by: Alex Baranowski
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Reüfmix
Release Date: November 1, 2023

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