In this article, we will talk about an area that is not very common in terms of astrology, but is the origin of astrology. Kabbalah and the Tree of Life” takes place within Esoteric astrology. This field is definitely not a field independent of classical astrology. It is not a separate school that can replace it. You can think of the Kabbalistic tree of life as an additional flavor that we will use in your interpretations and perspectives, in addition to the knowledge and base of classical astrology.
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When we look at the system through the tree of life, it allows us to see the part-whole relationship better. With this diagram, we understand better how planets and signs that have no relationship or angle with each other serve the whole like pieces of a puzzle.
The tree contains a lot of ancient information. Sacred geometry, the meaning of letters, the esoteric meanings of planets and signs, etc. That is why it is necessary to learn from the smallest detail to the whole.
The literal meaning of Kabbalah
Before moving on to the tree of life, I would like to briefly talk about Kabbalah. Kabbalah literally means tradition or correspondence. It is a Hebrew-based, esoteric discipline. It is essentially based on Jewish mysticism. Kabbalah is considered to be a style of belief. This is among the well-known wrongs. “A religion is not a style of belief.” We can compare it to Sufism in Islam. It tries to make sense of our existence and the system, and in doing so, it tries to find meaning from a spiritual and philosophical dimension in search of meaning, rather than from a worldly plan.
The tree of life stores all the knowledge of creation. It is a mystical teaching that explains the relationship between the eternal, that is, the infinite and unchanging, and the mortal, the Creator, the universe. Explains the relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. The science of Kabbalah is the method of investigating the nature of creation of a person and is described as the key to the spiritual world. The aim is to master the secrets of creation and to enable the individual to purify himself, develop himself spiritually and reach perfection, that is, to reach the level of a perfect human being.
Tree of Life: Inner motif of the flower of life
When looking at the system from the tree of life, the world is seen as a development environment where the principle of duality is valid. This is not the world of truth. The aim is for human beings to increase their spiritual experience and evolution, and it aims for the soul to rise again with awareness, comprehension and will… And when we look from top to bottom, we actually see information and energy descending step by step to a lower plane through the planets. At the bottom level is the world, that is, the development environment of the soul.
The tree is actually the inner motif of the flower of life, which is very common today. The reason why the flower of life is such an important symbol is that the secret of existence is hidden in its visuals and esoteric knowledge. The principle of polarity prevails throughout the tree. As you know, one of the most fundamental and important laws of the existence of the universe is duality… Life always sends us left and right in the logic of a pendulum. Everything creates polarity. Good-Bad, Beauty-Ugly, Day-Night, Masculine-Feminine, Past-Future etc.
We also struggle with extremes in life. We go back and forth between our heart and brain, trying to distinguish between good and bad. The most important tests we experience in life actually come from patterns in which we are torn between dilemmas or resist changing. However, the story and test of everything is about being in balance in life. Not too little, not too much! When everything is in balance, when we walk the middle path on the tree, we find peace and happiness.
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